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DAlangi (WMF)
[WADP] specific query to get affiliate members on pl wiki.
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# avoid duplicate user names SELECT DISTINCT plwikimedia_p.pagelinks.pl_title AS "Affiliated Username", p.page_title AS "Affiliate Groups" FROM AS p JOIN plwikimedia_p.pagelinks ON plwikimedia_p.pagelinks.pl_from = p.page_id # harvest from the a list of affiliates WHERE p.page_title IN ( "Lista_członków" ) # exclude anything that ends with _(WMF) # as these are WMF staffs not aff members AND plwikimedia_p.pagelinks.pl_title NOT LIKE "%_(WMF)" # remove MediaWiki_message_delivery as it's # the mass message delivery default handle AND plwikimedia_p.pagelinks.pl_title NOT LIKE "%MediaWiki_message_delivery%" # focus on the User: namespace AND plwikimedia_p.pagelinks.pl_namespace = 2 # Unite both tables UNION # avoid duplicate user names SELECT DISTINCT plwikimedia_p.iwlinks.iwl_title AS "Affiliated Username", p.page_title AS "Affiliate Groups" FROM AS p JOIN plwikimedia_p.iwlinks ON plwikimedia_p.iwlinks.iwl_from = p.page_id # harvest from the a list of affiliates WHERE p.page_title IN ( "Lista_członków" ) # also exclude interwiki links that are not user names AND plwikimedia_p.iwlinks.iwl_title NOT LIKE "Użytkownik:%" # exclude anything that ends with _(WMF) # as these are WMF staffs not aff members AND plwikimedia_p.iwlinks.iwl_title NOT LIKE "%_(WMF)" # remove MediaWiki_message_delivery as it's # the mass message delivery default handle AND plwikimedia_p.iwlinks.iwl_title NOT LIKE "%MediaWiki_message_delivery%"
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