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SELECT CONCAT('* [[m:Special:CentralAuth/', REPLACE (user_name,'_',' '), ']]'), CONCAT(SUBSTR(user_registration,1,4),'-',SUBSTR(user_registration,5,2),'-',SUBSTR(user_registration,7,2),' ',SUBSTR(user_registration,9,2),':',SUBSTR(user_registration,11,2),':',SUBSTR(user_registration,13,2)) AS d FROM .user WHERE #(user_name IN ("Je suce des grosses bites juteuses", "Les chiottes qui puent la merde", "Votre cul est sale") #(user_name LIKE '%Fuzzing%'# AND user_registration > 20210000000000 #(user_name REGEXP '[Ff]orress?t' OR user_name REGEXP '[Zz]jho?[ol]lder' OR user_name LIKE '%29912%' #(user_name LIKE '%B_Sinha%' OR user_name LIKE '%Bikram%Sinha%' OR user_name LIKE '%BIKRAM%SINHA%' #(user_name REGEXP '^HN[0-9]{3}' AND user_registration > 20210700000000 #(user_name REGEXP '([Ss]ister location|x fox [Ss]plits|nights at [Ff]reddy.s|[Ss]cott.*game|[Ss]cott [Cc]awthon)' OR user_name LIKE 'Igoryu%' OR user_name LIKE 'Iggory%' OR user_name LIKE 'Funtime 7%') AND user_registration > 20210600000000 #(user_name LIKE 'Nabeel%' AND user_registration > 20210000000000 #(user_name LIKE '%ohkenytp%' OR user_name LIKE 'Jermboy%') #(user_name LIKE 'Print%' OR user_name LIKE '%print' OR user_name LIKE '%printer' OR user_name LIKE '%Akhileshpal%') AND user_registration > 20210000000000 #(user_name LIKE '%Retzlaff%') #(user_name REGEXP 'Alex ?Mtch' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name LIKE '%GT500' AND user_registration > 20200000000000) #(user_name LIKE '%Abbydraw%' AND user_registration > 20200000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][0-9][0-9]$' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name REGEXP 'IT[1Y]T' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '[Ss]angeeta' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Wikimz%' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Parthempir%' OR user_name LIKE 'Parthmepir%' OR user_name LIKE 'Parthsidd%' OR user_name LIKE 'Cooldude%') AND user_registration > 20210600000000 #(user_name LIKE '%Esfwtomm%' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Laxmi%' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '2,?005$' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Farhadalikh%' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '[a-z]1230$' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '[Aa]ssibey' AND user_registration > 20190600000000) #(user_name REGEXP '[Bb]onsu$' AND user_registration > 20190600000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Saeedgholi%' AND user_registration > 20130000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Debasis%' AND user_registration > 20200000000000) #(user_name LIKE '%von_Anhalt' AND user_registration > 20200000000000) #(((user_name LIKE '%Nazari%') OR (user_name LIKE '%جواد نظری%')) AND user_registration > 20211000000000) #Javad Nazari #(((user_name LIKE '%حسام علي جاد%') OR (user_name LIKE '%حسام علي%') OR (user_name LIKE '%حسام جاد%')) AND user_registration > 20230428000000) #Hossam Ali Gad #((user_name LIKE 'Kongpc%' OR user_name LIKE 'KPC%') AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^M[ou]khtar.*Musheer' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Zlibrary%' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Bastian%' OR user_name LIKE 'Bamamedero%' OR user_name LIKE 'Bmmederos%' OR user_name LIKE 'Mayra%') # AND user_registration > 20230213000000 AND user_name NOT REGEXP '[\ \.\-]' #(user_registration > 20230510000000 AND LENGTH(user_name) = 7 AND user_name REGEXP ' [A-Z][A-Z]$') #Bastian #(user_name REGEXP '^Vishal ?[Mm]eena' AND user_registration > 20200000000000) #(user_name LIKE '%127' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(((user_name LIKE '%Ghegadmal%') OR (user_name LIKE 'SBG%')) AND user_registration > 20180000000000) #(((user_name LIKE 'YeadHosen%') OR (user_name LIKE 'Yeadhosen%')) AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name LIKE '%Mulkliff%' AND user_registration > 20230000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^Mihai[A-Z]' AND user_registration > 20230617000000) #(user_name REGEXP '[Aa]ss?egaf' AND user_registration > 20230700000000) #(user_name REGEXP 'Dorian ?Nuhiu' AND user_registration > 20230900000000) #((user_name LIKE '%Katarighe%' OR user_name LIKE '%Kestilinna%') AND user_registration > 20231000000000) #(user_name LIKE '%Rattanaja%' AND user_registration > 20200000000000) #((user_name LIKE '%Miley%' AND (user_name LIKE '%Cyrus%' OR user_name LIKE '%Kylie%') OR user_name LIKE 'PsychoSquad%') AND user_registration > 20230900000000) #((user_name REGEXP '[Aa]lif' OR user_name REGEXP '[Aa]nak') AND user_name REGEXP '[Ss]amad' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name REGEXP 'Alzowin[iy]' AND user_registration > 20200000000000) #(user_name REGEXP 'Stylox ?Vai' AND user_registration > 20220600000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Maroof%' AND user_registration > 20231100000000) #((user_name LIKE '%Lobotomy%' OR user_name LIKE '%Lotobomy%') AND user_registration > 20240200000000) #(user_name LIKE '%Germany%' AND user_name LIKE '%mapper%' AND user_registration > 20230600000000) #(user_name LIKE 'RSR2%' AND user_registration > 20190000000000) #((user_name LIKE '%Dante Antonio%' OR user_name LIKE '%Antonio Muñoz%') AND user_registration > 20231200000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Kapembwa_Mulenga%' AND user_registration > 20150000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'ShirleyDix%' AND user_registration > 20240000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Jesus Rojas%' AND user_registration > 20230000000000) #(user_name REGEXP 'Ho.elom' AND user_registration > 20230000000000) #((user_name LIKE 'Youtubu%' OR user_name LIKE 'Kikiki%') AND user_registration > 20240500000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Badman2%' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Ollie%2b' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^Ollie[A-Za-z]' AND user_registration > 20230000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^[A-Z].*[a-z][A-Z][A-Z].*[a-z]01$' AND user_registration > 20240600000000) #(user_name LIKE '%PantherSun%' AND user_registration > 20240600000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Yusaya%' AND user_registration > 20230000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Nickimina%' AND user_registration > 20240000000000) #((user_name LIKE 'Saadf%' OR user_name LIKE 'Saad92%') AND user_registration > 20231200000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Adarsh%' AND user_registration > 20230000000000) #((user_name LIKE 'Chhanchhana%' OR user_name LIKE 'Lalchhanhima%') AND user_registration > 20191100000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^[A-Z][a-z]{4}[0-9]{3}$' AND user_editcount > 0 AND user_registration > 20240700000000) #((user_name LIKE 'Noah Aitchison%' OR user_name LIKE 'NoahAB%' OR user_name LIKE 'Noah A21%') AND user_registration > 20240000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^Elshad ?abd' AND user_registration > 20221000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Bhausaheb%' AND user_registration > 20130000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Illico%' AND user_registration > 20190000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '(Ghelbert|Гельберт)' AND user_registration > 20210000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '[a-z]0627$' AND user_registration > 20240000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^Trenth?[0-9]' AND user_registration > 20240000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^Francesco ?Gravina' AND user_registration > 20220000000000) #(user_name REGEXP '^Shivam.?pandey' AND user_registration > 20190500000000) #(user_name LIKE '%Stalin%' AND user_name LIKE '%Strait%' AND user_registration > 20230000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Uysttt%' AND user_registration > 20240000000000) #(user_name LIKE 'Eisenbahn%' AND user_registration > 20240000000000) (user_name LIKE '%CAPTCHA' AND user_registration > 20240000000000) ORDER BY user_id;
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