This query is marked as a draft This query has been published by IKhitron.


use hewiki_p;
select page_namespace, page_title from page as p1
#concat('# [[', replace(page_title, "_", " "), ']]') as name from page as p1
where page_namespace = 0
and page_is_redirect = 0
and not exists
(select * from categorylinks as c1
 where cl_from = page_id
 and exists
 (select * from page as p3
  where cl_to = page_title
  and page_namespace = 14
  and not (page_title like "קצרמר%"
           or (page_title like "ויקיפדיה%"
           and not page_title = "ויקיפדיה:_ערכים_שיש_להבהיר_את_מעמדם"))
  and not exists
  (select * from categorylinks as c3
   where page_id = cl_from
   and cl_to = "קטגוריות_מוסתרות")))
and not exists
(select * from templatelinks
 where tl_from = page_id
 and ((tl_namespace = 10
 and tl_title in ("בעבודה", "הפרת_זכויות_יוצרים"))
 or (tl_namespace = 4
 and tl_title in ("ויקימדיה_ישראל/תחרות_יוצרות_ערך_-_תחרות_כתיבת_ערכים_על_נשים_ישראליות/תבנית",
and not page_title = "עמוד_ראשי"
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