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import datetime import MySQLdb import wikitools import settings report_template = u'''\ Categories that contain pages in the (Main) namespace and the user namespaces \ (User and User talk) (limited to the first 1000 entries); \ data as of <onlyinclude>%s</onlyinclude>. {| class="wikitable sortable plainlinks" style="width:100%%; margin:auto;" |- style="white-space:nowrap;" ! No. ! Category |- %s |} ''' wiki = wikitools.Wiki(settings.apiurl) wiki.login(settings.username, settings.password) conn = MySQLdb.connect(, db=settings.dbname, read_default_file='~/.my.cnf') cursor = conn.cursor() # Establish a few lists. all_category_titles = [] polluted_category_titles = [] # Grab a list of all pages in the Category namespace. cursor.execute(''' /* SLOW_OK */ SELECT page_title FROM page WHERE page_namespace = 14; ''') for row in cursor.fetchall(): # FIXME: Don't stick all these in memory. all_category_titles.append(row[0]) # Find all the categories that are specifically marked as polluted. cursor.execute(''' /* SLOW_OK */ SELECT page_title FROM page JOIN templatelinks ON tl_from = page_id WHERE page_namespace = 14 AND tl_namespace = 10 AND tl_title = 'Polluted_category'; ''') for row in cursor.fetchall(): polluted_category_titles.append(row[0]) i = 1 output = [] for title in all_category_titles: if i > 1000: break elif title in polluted_category_titles: continue else: cursor.execute(''' /* SLOW_OK */ SELECT 1 FROM page JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id WHERE cl_to = %s AND page_namespace IN (2,3) LIMIT 1; ''' , title) user_result = cursor.fetchone() if user_result: cursor.execute(''' /* SLOW_OK */ SELECT 1 FROM page JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id WHERE cl_to = %s AND page_namespace = 0 LIMIT 1; ''' , title) main_result = cursor.fetchone() if main_result: cl_to = u'{{dbr link|1=Category:%s}}' % unicode(title, 'utf-8') table_row = u'''\ | %d | %s |-''' % (i, cl_to) output.append(table_row) i += 1 cursor.execute(''' SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rc_timestamp) FROM recentchanges ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1; ''') rep_lag = cursor.fetchone()[0] time_diff = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=rep_lag) current_of = time_diff.strftime('%H:%M, %d %B %Y (UTC)') report = wikitools.Page(wiki, report_title) report_text = report_template % (current_of, '\n'.join(output)) report_text = report_text.encode('utf-8') report.edit(report_text, summary=settings.editsumm, bot=1) cursor.close() conn.close()
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