USE enwiki_p; -- wiki for source page; also the only wiki checked for redirects
SET @timestamp = '20180409'; -- search for any edit from this or later
SET @src_namespace = 4; -- examine links from this namespace; 4 == Wikipedia:
SET @src_page = 'VisualEditor/Newsletter'; -- examine links from this page in @src_namespace. Replace spaces with _
SET @tgt_namespace = 3; -- look for links to this namespace. 3 == user talk:. The only other one that makes sense in this query is 2 (user:)
SELECT pl_title AS 'user name (as listed)',
rd_title AS 'redirects to'
FROM pagelinks
JOIN page srcpg ON pl_from = srcpg.page_id
-- resolve redirects to other user talk: pages
LEFT JOIN page rdrpg ON rdrpg.page_namespace = @tgt_namespace AND rdrpg.page_title = pl_title
LEFT JOIN redirect ON rd_from = rdrpg.page_id AND rd_namespace = @tgt_namespace
WHERE srcpg.page_namespace = @src_namespace AND srcpg.page_title = @src_page
AND pl_namespace = @tgt_namespace
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM enwiki_p.revision_userindex JOIN enwiki_p.actor_revision ON actor_id = rev_actor WHERE actor_name = REPLACE(COALESCE(rd_title, pl_title), '_', ' ') AND rev_timestamp >= @timestamp)
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