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use enwiki_p; SELECT rd_from as source_ID FROM redirect WHERE rd_title = "United_States" OR rd_title = "'merica" OR rd_title = "'murica" OR rd_title = "(US)" OR rd_title = "(USA)" OR rd_title = "Amarica" OR rd_title = "Amercia" OR rd_title = "America" OR rd_title = "America,_United_States_of" OR rd_title = "America_(country)" OR rd_title = "America_(United_States)" OR rd_title = "America_(United_States_of)" OR rd_title = "America_(US)" OR rd_title = "America_(USA)" OR rd_title = "Americaland" OR rd_title = "American_occupation_of_the_United_States" OR rd_title = "American_United_States" OR rd_title = "Americia" OR rd_title = "Americophile" OR rd_title = "Amerka" OR rd_title = "Amiercan" OR rd_title = "Amurica" OR rd_title = "Amurika" OR rd_title = "EE._UU." OR rd_title = "EE.UU." OR rd_title = "EE_UU" OR rd_title = "EEUU" OR rd_title = "Estados_unidos" OR rd_title = "Estados_Unidos" OR rd_title = "Estados_Unidos_de_America" OR rd_title = "Estados_Unidos_de_América" OR rd_title = "Estaos_Unios" OR rd_title = "Estaos_Uníos" OR rd_title = "Estatos_Unitos" OR rd_title = "Etats-Unis" OR rd_title = "Etats-Unis_d'Amerique" OR rd_title = "Etymology_of_the_United_States" OR rd_title = "Federal_United_States" OR rd_title = "ISO_3166-1:US" OR rd_title = "Los_Estados_Unidos" OR rd_title = "Los_Estados_Unidos_de_America" OR rd_title = "Los_Estados_Unidos_de_América" OR rd_title = "Nagkaisang_mga_Estado" OR rd_title = "Name_of_the_United_States" OR rd_title = "Nited_States" OR rd_title = "States_of_America" OR rd_title = "Stati_Uniti_d'America" OR rd_title = "THE_AMERICAN_UNITED_STATES" OR rd_title = "The_U-S" OR rd_title = "The_U-S-A" OR rd_title = "The_U.-S." OR rd_title = "The_U.-S." OR rd_title = "The_U._S." OR rd_title = "The_U._S._A." OR rd_title = "The_U._S._of_A" OR rd_title = "The_U._S._of_America" OR rd_title = "The_U._States_of_America" OR rd_title = "The_U.S." OR rd_title = "The_U.S._of_A" OR rd_title = "The_U.S._of_America" OR rd_title = "The_U.S.A." OR rd_title = "The_U.–S." OR rd_title = "The_U.–S.–A." OR rd_title = "The_U_S" OR rd_title = "The_U_S_A" OR rd_title = "The_U_S_of_A" OR rd_title = "The_U_S_of_America" OR rd_title = "The_United-States" OR rd_title = "The_United_States" OR rd_title = "The_United_States_of_America" OR rd_title = "The_United_States_Of_America" OR rd_title = "The_united_states_of_america" OR rd_title = "THE_UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA" OR rd_title = "The_United_States_of_America." OR rd_title = "The_United–States" OR rd_title = "The_Unites_States_of_America" OR rd_title = "The_US" OR rd_title = "The_Us" OR rd_title = "The_US_of_A" OR rd_title = "The_US_of_America" OR rd_title = "The_US_of_america" OR rd_title = "The_USA" OR rd_title = "The_Usa" OR rd_title = "The_U–S" OR rd_title = "The_U–S–A" OR rd_title = "These_United_States_of_America" OR rd_title = "U,S," OR rd_title = "U-S" OR rd_title = "U-S-A" OR rd_title = "U.-S." OR rd_title = "U.-S.-A." OR rd_title = "U._S." OR rd_title = "U._S._A." OR rd_title = "U._S._of_A" OR rd_title = "U._S._of_A." OR rd_title = "U._S._of_America" OR rd_title = "U.S" OR rd_title = "U.S." OR rd_title = "U.s." OR rd_title = "U.S._A" OR rd_title = "U.S._America" OR rd_title = "U.S._of_A" OR rd_title = "U.S._OF_A" OR rd_title = "U.S._of_A." OR rd_title = "U.S._of_America" OR rd_title = "U.S.A" OR rd_title = "U.S.A." OR rd_title = "U.s.a." OR rd_title = "U.S.A.)" OR rd_title = "U.S.American" OR rd_title = "U.–S." OR rd_title = "U.–S.–A." OR rd_title = "U_S" OR rd_title = "U_S_A" OR rd_title = "U_S_of_A" OR rd_title = "U_S_of_America" OR rd_title = "Unietd_States" OR rd_title = "Unitd_states" OR rd_title = "Unite_States" OR rd_title = "Unite_states_of_america" OR rd_title = "United+States" OR rd_title = "United+States+of+America" OR rd_title = "United-States" OR rd_title = "United_sates" OR rd_title = "United_Sates" OR rd_title = "United_Staets_of_America" OR rd_title = "United_state_of_america" OR rd_title = "United_State_of_America" OR rd_title = "United_Stated" OR rd_title = "United_states" OR rd_title = "UNited_States" OR rd_title = "UNITED_STATES" OR rd_title = "United_States/Introduction" OR rd_title = "United_States_(country)" OR rd_title = "United_States_(of_America)" OR rd_title = "United_States_(U.S.)" OR rd_title = "United_States_(U.S.A.)" OR rd_title = "United_States_(US)" OR rd_title = "United_States_America" OR rd_title = "United_States_Of_Amerca" OR rd_title = "United_States_of_America" OR rd_title = "United_states_of_america" OR rd_title = "United_States_Of_America" OR rd_title = "United_states_of_America" OR rd_title = "UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA" OR rd_title = "United_States_of_America." OR rd_title = "United_States_of_America/Introduction" OR rd_title = "United_States_of_America/OldPage" OR rd_title = "United_States_of_America_(redirect)" OR rd_title = "United_States_of_America_(U.S.A.)" OR rd_title = "United_States_of_America_(USA)" OR rd_title = "United_States_of_American" OR rd_title = "UnitedStates" OR rd_title = "United–States" OR rd_title = "Unites_States" OR rd_title = "Unitesd_states" OR rd_title = "Untied_States" OR rd_title = "Untied_States_of_America" OR rd_title = "US" OR rd_title = "US_(country)" OR rd_title = "US_America" OR rd_title = "US_and_A" OR rd_title = "US_of_A" OR rd_title = "Us_of_a" OR rd_title = "US_of_America" OR rd_title = "US_of_america" OR rd_title = "USA" OR rd_title = "Usa" OR rd_title = "USoA" OR rd_title = "USofA" OR rd_title = "U–S" OR rd_title = "U–S–A" OR rd_title = "V.S._America" OR rd_title = "V.S._Amerika" OR rd_title = "Vereinigte_Staaten" OR rd_title = "VS_America" OR rd_title = "VS_Amerika" OR rd_title = "Yankee_land" OR rd_title = "États-Unis" OR rd_title = "États-Unis_d'Amérique"
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