Fork of
Untitled query #38331
by Ле Лой
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Zanka.
use ruwiki_p;
set @date = cast('20190817' as date);
with tu as
select uu.user_id, uu.user_name, ua.actor_id
from user uu
join actor ua on ua.actor_user = uu.user_id
-- registered for no more than a year
where cast(uu.user_registration as date) >= @date - interval 1 year
-- auto-confirmed
and datediff(@date, cast(uu.user_registration as date)) >= 4
trc as
select ru.user_id, count(1) recent_cnt
from revision r
join tu ru on r.rev_actor = ru.actor_id
where cast(r.rev_timestamp as date) >= @date - interval 1 month
group by ru.user_id
-- with at least 30 edits in the last month
having recent_cnt >= 30
u.user_id, cast(u.user_name as char)
from tu u
join trc rc on rc.user_id = u.user_id
left join user_groups g on g.ug_user = u.user_id and g.ug_group = 'bot'
left join (
select b.ipb_id, b.ipb_user, cast(ipb_expiry as datetime) ipb_expiry
from ipblocks b
) b on b.ipb_user = u.user_id and (b.ipb_expiry is null or b.ipb_expiry >= @date)
-- auto-confirmed
-- rc.cnt >= 15
-- and
-- datediff(@date, cast(u.user_registration as date)) >= 4
-- registered for no more than a year with at least 30 edits in the last month
-- and rc.recent_cnt >= 30
-- and cast(u.user_registration as date) >= (@date - interval 1 year)
-- not bot
g.ug_user is null
-- not blocked on @date
and b.ipb_id is null
limit 9999999
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