SELECT ipb_address, page_touched, comment_text AS reason, group_concat(el_to SEPARATOR '\n') AS links
FROM ipblocks
JOIN comment_ipblocks ON(ipb_reason_id=comment_id)
JOIN page ON(page_namespace=3 AND page_title=REPLACE(ipb_address, ' ', '_'))
JOIN externallinks ON(page_id=el_from)
-- Indef-blocked user (not IP)
ipb_expiry = 'infinity' AND ipb_user != 0
-- Talk page access isn't already blocked
AND ipb_allow_usertalk
-- Skip partial blocks (disabled, see T221272)
-- AND ipb_sitewide
-- Ignore external links included in some common templates
AND el_to NOT LIKE '//tools.wmflabs.org/%'
AND el_to NOT LIKE 'https://tools.wmflabs.org/%'
AND el_to NOT LIKE 'http://tools.wmflabs.org/%'
AND el_to NOT LIKE '//dispenser.info.tm/%'
AND el_to NOT LIKE 'https://meta.wikimedia.org/%'
-- Only look at recent blocks. Remove this if you want, but it'll take much longer to run.
AND ipb_timestamp >= DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 MONTH), '%Y%m%d000000')
GROUP BY ipb_address ORDER BY page_touched DESC;
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