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مقالات بحاجة لصور من ويكي بيانات - تقنية
by ASammour
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by ASammour.
USE arwiki_p;
select concat("[[",p.page_title,"]]") as "عنوان المقالة",
concat("[[ملف:",wpp.pp_value,"|تصغير]]") as "الصورة" ,
concat("<nowiki>[[ملف:",wpp.pp_value,"|تصغير]]</nowiki>") as "نص الصورة"
page p
inner join page_props pp
on pp.pp_page = p.page_id
inner join wp
on wp.page_title like pp.pp_value
inner join wikidatawiki_p.page_props wpp
on wpp.pp_page = wp.page_id
where p.page_id in (
select categorylinks.cl_from from categorylinks where categorylinks.cl_from = p.page_id and categorylinks.cl_to like "%كومنز%"
and p.page_id not in (
select pp_page from page_props where pp_propname like "page_image" and pp_page = p.page_id
and p.page_id not in (
select pp_page from page_props where pp_propname like "page_image_free" and pp_page = p.page_id
and p.page_id not in (
select cl_from from categorylinks where cl_from = p.page_id and cl_to = "صفحات_توضيح"
and p.page_id not in (
select cl_from from categorylinks where cl_from = p.page_id and cl_to = "بوابة_تقويم/مقالات_متعلقة"
and p.page_id in (
select cl_from from categorylinks where cl_from = p.page_id and cl_to = "بوابة_علوم/مقالات_متعلقة"
and p.page_namespace = 0
and p.page_is_redirect = 0
and pp.pp_propname like "wikibase_item"
and wp.page_namespace = 0
and wp.page_is_redirect =0
and wp.page_content_model like "wikibase-item"
and wpp.pp_propname like "page_image_free"
limit 500;
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