Fork of
Hewiki partial disambiguation problems
by IKhitron
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Zhuyifei1999.
use hewiki_p;
set @ns = 0;
select distinct(concat('# [[תבנית:', replace(p1.page_title, "_", " "), ']]')) as 'ערך', p2.page_title
from page as p1 join pagelinks on p1.page_id = pagelinks.pl_from and p1.page_namespace = @ns
join page as p2 on pagelinks.pl_namespace = p2.page_namespace and pagelinks.pl_title = p2.page_title
where p1.page_is_redirect = 0
and not p2.page_title like "%_(פירושונים)"
and exists
(select * from categorylinks
where p2.page_id = cl_from
and cl_to = 'פירושונים')
and not exists
(select * from categorylinks
where p1.page_id = cl_from
and cl_to = 'פירושונים')
and not exists
(select * from templatelinks
where tl_from = p1.page_id
and tl_title = "פירושון")
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