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SELECT (case when (img_size>=4294967296) then '4 GB-inf' when (img_size>=2147483648 AND img_size<4294967296) then '2-4 GB' when (img_size>=1073741824 AND img_size<2147483648) then '1-2 GB' when (img_size>=536870912 AND img_size<1073741824) then '512 MB-1 GB' when (img_size>=268435456 AND img_size<536870912) then '256-512 MB' when (img_size>=134217728 AND img_size<268435456) then '128-256 MB' when (img_size>=67108864 AND img_size<134217728) then '64-128 MB' when (img_size>=33554432 AND img_size<67108864) then '32-64 MB' when (img_size>=16777216 AND img_size<33554432) then '16-32 MB' when (img_size>=8388608 AND img_size<16777216) then '8-16 MB' when (img_size>=4194304 AND img_size<8388608) then '4-8 MB' when (img_size>=2097152 AND img_size<4194304) then '2-4 MB' when (img_size>=1048576 AND img_size<2097152) then '1-2 MB' when (img_size>=524288 AND img_size<1048576) then '512 KB-1 MB' when (img_size>=262144 AND img_size<524288) then '256-512 KB' when (img_size>=131072 AND img_size<262144) then '128-256 KB' when (img_size>=65536 AND img_size<131072) then '64-128 KB' when (img_size>=32768 AND img_size<65536) then '32-64 KB' when (img_size>=16384 AND img_size<32768) then '16-32 KB' when (img_size>=8192 AND img_size<16384) then '8-16 KB' when (img_size>=4096 AND img_size<8192) then '4-8 KB' when (img_size>=2048 AND img_size<4096) then '2-4 KB' when (img_size>=1024 AND img_size<2048) then '1-2 KB' when (img_size>=512 AND img_size<1024) then '512 B-1 KB' when (img_size>=256 AND img_size<512) then '256-511 B' when (img_size>=128 AND img_size<256) then '128-255 B' when (img_size>=64 AND img_size<128) then '64-127 B' when (img_size<64) then '0-63 B' end) as filesize_group, count(1) as entries FROM commonswiki_p.image GROUP BY filesize_group
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