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USE enwiki_p; SELECT rev_user_text AS IP, rev_timestamp AS Datetime, page_title FROM page JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id JOIN revision ON page_id = rev_page WHERE (cl_to = "Computer_science" OR cl_to = "Areas_of_computer_science" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_by_country" OR cl_to = "Computer_scientists" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_by_year" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_awards" OR cl_to = "Computational_fields_of_study" OR cl_to = "Computational_geometry" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_conferences" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_education" OR cl_to = "History_of_computer_science" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_literature" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_organizations" OR cl_to = "Philosophy_of_computer_science" OR cl_to = "Software" OR cl_to = "Unsolved_problems_in_computer_science" OR cl_to = "Wikipedia_books_on_computer_science" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_stubs" OR cl_to = "Algorithms_and_data_structures" OR cl_to = "Artificial_intelligence" OR cl_to = "Computational_science" OR cl_to = "Computer_architecture" OR cl_to = "Computer_graphics" OR cl_to = "Computer_security" OR cl_to = "Concurrency_(computer_science)" OR cl_to = "Database_theory" OR cl_to = "Formal_methods" OR cl_to = "Human-based_computation" OR cl_to = "Human%E2%80%93computer_interaction" OR cl_to = "Mathematical_optimization" OR cl_to = "Programming_language_theory" OR cl_to = "Soft_computing" OR cl_to = "Software_engineering" OR cl_to = "Theoretical_computer_science" OR cl_to = "Theory_of_computation" OR cl_to = "Computer_magazines_by_country" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_education_by_country" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_institutes_by_country" OR cl_to = "Information_technology_by_country" OR cl_to = "Computer_programmers_by_nationality" OR cl_to = "Computer_scientists_by_nationality" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_in_Belgium" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_in_China" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_in_the_Netherlands" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_in_France" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_in_India" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_in_South_Korea" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_in_Switzerland" OR cl_to = "Computer_scientists_by_award" OR cl_to = "Computer_scientists_by_field_of_research" OR cl_to = "Computer_specialists_by_nationality" OR cl_to = "Women_computer_scientists" OR cl_to = "Computer_architects" OR cl_to = "Fellows_of_the_Association_for_Computing_Machinery" OR cl_to = "Fictional_computer_scientists" OR cl_to = "IBM_Research_computer_scientists" OR cl_to = "Lists_of_computer_scientists" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_educators" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_writers" OR cl_to = "Computer_scientist_stubs" OR cl_to = "Computer-related_introductions_by_year" OR cl_to = "20th_century_in_computer_science" OR cl_to = "21st_century_in_computer_science" OR cl_to = "The_Benjamin_Franklin_Medal_in_Computer_and_Cognitive_Science_laureates" OR cl_to = "Dijkstra_Prize_laureates" OR cl_to = "G%C3%B6del_Prize_laureates" OR cl_to = "Information_science_awards" OR cl_to = "International_Association_for_Cryptologic_Research_fellows" OR cl_to = "Knuth_Prize_laureates" OR cl_to = "Nevanlinna_Prize_laureates" OR cl_to = "Seymour_Cray_Computer_Engineering_Award_recipients" OR cl_to = "Turing_Award_laureates" OR cl_to = "Algorithmic_art" OR cl_to = "Artificial_life" OR cl_to = "Automata_(computation)" OR cl_to = "Cellular_automata" OR cl_to = "Chaos_theory" OR cl_to = "Cheminformatics" OR cl_to = "Complex_systems_theory" OR cl_to = "Computational_anatomy" OR cl_to = "Computational_archaeology" OR cl_to = "Computational_astronomy" OR cl_to = "Computational_biology" OR cl_to = "Computational_chemistry" OR cl_to = "Computational_complexity_theory" OR cl_to = "Computational_electromagnetics" OR cl_to = "Computational_fluid_dynamics" OR cl_to = "Computational_mathematics" OR cl_to = "Computational_neuroscience" OR cl_to = "Computational_particle_physics" OR cl_to = "Computational_physics" OR cl_to = "Digital_humanities" OR cl_to = "Digital_signal_processing" OR cl_to = "Convex_hull_algorithms" OR cl_to = "Geometric_algorithms" OR cl_to = "Geometric_data_structures" OR cl_to = "Triangulation_(geometry)" OR cl_to = "Artificial_intelligence_conferences" OR cl_to = "Computer_networking_conferences" OR cl_to = "Cryptography_conferences" OR cl_to = "Distributed_computing_conferences" OR cl_to = "Electronic_design_automation_conferences" OR cl_to = "Information_systems_conferences" OR cl_to = "Logic_conferences" OR cl_to = "Programming_languages_conferences" OR cl_to = "Software_engineering_conferences" OR cl_to = "Theoretical_computer_science_conferences" OR cl_to = "CS50" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_departments" OR cl_to = "Diversity_in_computing" OR cl_to = "Educational_programming_languages" OR cl_to = "Information_technology_education" OR cl_to = "History_of_computer_companies" OR cl_to = "Hacking_by_year" OR cl_to = "History_of_software" OR cl_to = "Bibliographic_databases_in_computer_science" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_books" OR cl_to = "Formal_methods_publications" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_journals" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_papers" OR cl_to = "Software_engineering_publications" OR cl_to = "Artificial_intelligence_associations" OR cl_to = "Association_for_Computing_Machinery" OR cl_to = "BCS_Specialist_Groups" OR cl_to = "Bioinformatics_organizations" OR cl_to = "British_Computer_Society" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_competitions" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_research_organizations" OR cl_to = "Computer_science-related_professional_associations" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_institutes" OR cl_to = "International_Federation_for_Information_Processing" OR cl_to = "Members_of_the_European_Research_Consortium_for_Informatics_and_Mathematics" OR cl_to = "Software_engineering_organizations" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_websites" OR cl_to = "Philosophy_of_artificial_intelligence" OR cl_to = "Software_by_company" OR cl_to = "Software_by_license" OR cl_to = "Software_by_operating_system" OR cl_to = "Software_by_programming_language" OR cl_to = "Software_by_library_used" OR cl_to = "Software_by_year" OR cl_to = "Software_comparisons" OR cl_to = "Application_software" OR cl_to = "System_software" OR cl_to = "Web_software" OR cl_to = "Software_add-ons" OR cl_to = "Software_appliances" OR cl_to = "Software_clones" OR cl_to = "Console_applications" OR cl_to = "Criticisms_of_software_and_websites" OR cl_to = "Custom_software_projects" OR cl_to = "Customer_communications_management" OR cl_to = "Data_erasure_software" OR cl_to = "Database_management_systems" OR cl_to = "Decision-making_software" OR cl_to = "Software_development" OR cl_to = "Software_distribution" OR cl_to = "DLL_injection" OR cl_to = "Emergency_management_software" OR cl_to = "Software_features" OR cl_to = "Fictional_software" OR cl_to = "File_archivers" OR cl_to = "File_transfer_software" OR cl_to = "Hadoop_cluster_administration" OR cl_to = "IBM_mainframe_software" OR cl_to = "Software_industry" OR cl_to = "Lists_of_software" OR cl_to = "Location-based_software" OR cl_to = "Microcomputer_software" OR cl_to = "Mobile_software" OR cl_to = "Software_patent_law" OR cl_to = "Peer-to-peer_software" OR cl_to = "Personal_digital_assistant_software" OR cl_to = "Political_software" OR cl_to = "Portable_software" OR cl_to = "Computer_programming_tools" OR cl_to = "Project_management_software" OR cl_to = "Software_projects" OR cl_to = "Provisioning" OR cl_to = "Role-playing_game_software" OR cl_to = "SCADA" OR cl_to = "Security_software" OR cl_to = "Streaming_software" OR cl_to = "User_interfaces" OR cl_to = "X_Window_programs" OR cl_to = "Software_covers" OR cl_to = "Software_logos" OR cl_to = "Screenshots_of_software" OR cl_to = "Software_stubs" OR cl_to = "Software_company_stubs" OR cl_to = "Software_type_stubs" OR cl_to = "Wikipedia_categories_named_after_software" OR cl_to = "Algorithms_and_data_structures_stubs" OR cl_to = "Artificial_intelligence_stubs" OR cl_to = "Computer_engineering_stubs" OR cl_to = "Cryptography_stubs" OR cl_to = "Database_stubs" OR cl_to = "Formal_methods_stubs" OR cl_to = "Computer_science_journal_stubs" OR cl_to = "Operating_system_stubs" OR cl_to = "Programming_language_theory_stubs" OR cl_to = "Programming_language_topic_stubs" OR cl_to = "Software_engineering_stubs" OR cl_to = "Theoretical_computer_science_stubs") AND page_namespace = "0" AND rev_user = 0 GROUP BY IP, Datetime ORDER BY Datetime DESC
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