use hewiki_p; select replace(page_title, "_", " ") as "ערך", case when exists (select * from templatelinks where tl_from = page_id and
tl_title = "רוכב_אופניים") then 1 else 0 end as "רוכב אופניים", case when exists (select * from templatelinks where tl_from = page_id and
tl_title = "ספורטאי") then 1 else 0 end as "ספורטאי", case when exists (select * from templatelinks where tl_from = page_id and tl_title =
"אמן_לחימה") then 1 else 0 end as "אמן לחימה" from page where page_namespace = 0 and exists (select * from templatelinks where tl_from =
page_id and tl_title = "מדליות") and exists (select * from templatelinks where tl_from = page_id and tl_title in ("רוכב_אופניים",
"ספורטאי", "אמן_לחימה"))
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