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USE trwiki_p; SET @KAT1 = replace("Türkçe Vikipedi üzerindeki resmi Vikiveriden farklı olan maddeler"," ","_"); -- "Local image different than Wikidata" SET @KAT2 = replace("Türkçe Vikipedi ile Vikiveride aynı resim olan maddeler"," ","_"); -- "Local image same as Wikidataa" SET @zero = "0"; -- write "0" to edit section zero (introduction) SET @userexcluded = 104002; -- me, exclude pages last edited by me SELECT concat("[[",p2.page_title,"]]") as sayfa , concat("§ion=",@zero,"&curid=",cl.cl_from,"") as url , il.il_to as dosya, SUBSTRING(cl2.cl_to,1,40) as kat, count(*) , img_user_text, img_minor_mime , rev_user_text , concat("",p.page_id) as urld from categorylinks cl join imagelinks il on il.il_from = cl.cl_from join image on img_name = il.il_to join page p on p.page_title = il.il_to join categorylinks cl2 on cl2.cl_from = p.page_id join page p2 on p2.page_id = cl.cl_from join revision_userindex rev on rev.rev_id = p2.page_latest where p.page_namespace = 6 and (cl.cl_to = @KAT1 OR cl.cl_to = @KAT1) and cl2.cl_to rlike "adil" -- fair use and img_major_mime rlike "image" and p.page_id not in (select cl999.cl_from from categorylinks cl999 where cl999.cl_to rlike "alternatifi") -- and p.page_id not in (select cl3999.cl_from from categorylinks cl3999 where cl3999.cl_to rlike "gerekçesi olan") -- and rev.rev_user <> @userexcluded group by cl.cl_from order by p2.page_latest, kat -- limit 100 ;
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