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DanHiggins (WMF)
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#1 SELECT DISTINCT rev_user_text, rev_user, cl_to #2 FROM p #3 INNER JOIN commonswiki_p.categorylinks cl ON p.page_id = cl.cl_from #4 INNER JOIN commonswiki_p.revision r ON p.page_id = r.rev_page #5 WHERE p.page_namespace = 6 #6 AND cl.cl_to IN ("Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2014_in_France") AND r.rev_timestamp > 20140901000000 AND r.rev_timestamp < 20140930235959 #7 AND r.rev_parent_id = 0; #LINE 1: declare which database fields (columns) you want to include in your output. #You can include any fields from any of the tables you are joining (in this case: page, categorylinks, revision) #LINE 2: declare which wiki you are pulling data from. #In this case, commonswiki_p. You can find a full list here: #LINE 3: join the page table with the categorylinks table on their COMMON KEY, which is the id of the page. #LINE 4: join the page table with the revision table on their COMMON KEY, which is the id of the page. #LINE 5: specify the numeric namespace(s) of the pages you want to get information for. #There is a list of standard namespaces here: #LINE 6: specify the category(ies) that the pages are in. If you wanted to get pages from multipe categories, #you would write the query the same way: AND cl.cl_to IN ("My_first_category", "Another_category") #LINE 7: specify that you want to return the revision information from the FIRST revision to the page. #the "parent" of a revision is the previous revision to that page. #The first revision to a page doesn't have a "parent", so the value for rev_parent_id will be 0.
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