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use trwiki_p; SELECT NOW(); SET @lang = "tr"; select rc_user as id, concat(@lang,"", rc_user_text ) as url, rc_user_text as kul , ec as total, ec0 as NS0_1, ec2 as uNS2_3, ec4 as wNS4_5, ec6 as fNS6_7, ec10 as tNS10_11 , ec14 as cNS14_15, ec828 as mNS829_830, ec1 as other_talks , ec - ec0 - ec2 -ec4 -ec6 -ec10- ec14 -ec828 -ec1 as rest from(SELECT hep6.kul as kul, rc4.rc_user_text as ad, as ec, hep6.ec0 as ec0, hep6.ec2 as ec2, hep6.ec1 as ec1 , hep6.ec828 as ec828, hep6.ec14 as ec14, hep6.ec10 as ec10, hep6.ec6 as ec6 ,count(*) - hep6.ec0 as ec4 from (SELECT hep10.kul as kul, as ec, hep10.ec0 as ec0, hep10.ec2 as ec2, hep10.ec1 as ec1 , hep10.ec828 as ec828, hep10.ec14 as ec14, hep10.ec10 as ec10 ,count(*) - hep10.ec0 as ec6 from (SELECT hep14.kul as kul, as ec, hep14.ec0 as ec0, hep14.ec2 as ec2, hep14.ec1 as ec1 , hep14.ec828 as ec828, hep14.ec14 as ec14 ,count(*) - hep14.ec0 as ec10 from (SELECT hep828.kul as kul, as ec, hep828.ec0 as ec0, hep828.ec2 as ec2, hep828.ec1 as ec1 , hep828.ec828 as ec828 ,count(*) - hep828.ec0 as ec14 from (SELECT hep1.kul as kul, as ec, hep1.ec0 as ec0, hep1.ec2 as ec2, hep1.ec1 as ec1 ,count(*) - hep1.ec0 as ec828 from (SELECT hep2.kul as kul, as ec, hep2.ec0 as ec0, hep2.ec2 as ec2, hep2.rc_bot as rc_bot , count(*) - hep2.ec0 as ec1 from (SELECT hep0.kul as kul, as ec, hep0.ec0 as ec0, hep0.rc_bot as rc_bot , count(*) - hep0.ec0 as ec2 from (SELECT hep.kul as kul, rc0.rc_user_text as kulad, as ec, hep.rc_bot as rc_bot , count(*) as ec0 from (SELECT rc.rc_user as kul, count(*) as ec, rc.rc_bot as rc_bot from recentchanges_userindex rc where rc.rc_user >0 and rc.rc_bot = 0 group by kul having count(*) > 3000) as hep join recentchanges_userindex rc0 on rc0.rc_user = hep.kul where rc0.rc_namespace IN (0,1) group by kul) as hep0 left join recentchanges_userindex rc2 on rc2.rc_user = hep0.kul where rc2.rc_namespace IN (2,3,0,1) group by kul) as hep2 left join recentchanges_userindex rc1 on rc1.rc_user = hep2.kul where rc1.rc_namespace IN (9,13,101,0,1) group by kul) as hep1 left join recentchanges_userindex rc828 on rc828.rc_user = hep1.kul where rc828.rc_namespace IN ( 828, 829,0,1) group by kul) as hep828 left join recentchanges_userindex rc14 on rc14.rc_user = hep828.kul where rc14.rc_namespace IN ( 14, 15,0,1) group by kul) as hep14 left join recentchanges_userindex rc10 on rc10.rc_user = hep14.kul where rc10.rc_namespace IN ( 10, 11,0,1) group by kul) as hep10 left join recentchanges_userindex rc6 on rc6.rc_user = hep10.kul where rc6.rc_namespace IN ( 6, 7,0,1) group by kul) as hep6 left join recentchanges_userindex rc4 on rc4.rc_user = hep6.kul where rc4.rc_namespace IN ( 4, 5,0,1) group by kul) as hep4 left join recentchanges_userindex rrr on rrr.rc_user = hep4.kul group by rrr.rc_user ; SELECT NOW(); SELECT user_id, user_name, user_editcount, count(*) as ec FROM user u join revision_userindex on rev_user = user_id join page on page_id = rev_page where page_namespace >0 and rev_user >0 group by 1 having ec>0 order by ec desc ;
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