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Recent active newcomers who make a lot of VE article edits
Jmorgan (WMF)
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Jmorgan (WMF)
Editors who have made at least 30 article namespace edits and joined within the past 30 days, sorted by the % of those edits that were made with VisualEditor. Excludes editors who have ever been blocked for any reason. Last run on November 22, 2016. Fork and re-run to generate a fresh list.
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select ve_editors.username, ve_edits, all_edits, 100*(ve_edits/all_edits) percent_ve from (select distinct r.rc_user userid, r.rc_user_text username, count(r.rc_id) ve_edits from recentchanges r join tag_summary t on r.rc_id = t.ts_rc_id where r.rc_user != 0 and r.rc_bot = 0 and r.rc_namespace = 0 and r.rc_source in ("mw.edit", "") and t.ts_tags like "%visualeditor%" group by userid ) ve_editors join (select r.rc_user userid, r.rc_user_text username, count(r.rc_id) all_edits from recentchanges r where r.rc_user != 0 and r.rc_bot = 0 and r.rc_namespace = 0 and r.rc_source in ("mw.edit", "") group by r.rc_user having all_edits > 30 order by all_edits desc ) active_editors on ve_editors.userid = active_editors.userid join enwiki_p.user u on ve_editors.userid = u.user_id where u.user_registration between DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 30 DAY),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') and DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 7 DAY),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') and u.user_name not in (SELECT REPLACE(log_title,"_"," ") from logging where log_type = "block" and log_action = "block" and log_timestamp > DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 30 DAY),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s')) order by percent_ve desc;
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