-- 2> /dev/null; date; echo '
/* Missing and wrongly categorized Animated GIF files
* Based on [[User:Dispenser/GIF check]]
* License: CC-0
* Runtime: 5 minutes
USE commonswiki_p;
SELECT IF(cl_to IS NULL, "Add", "Remove") AS "Cat",
CONCAT("[[File:", REPLACE(img_name,"_"," "), "]]") AS File
FROM image
JOIN page ON page_namespace=6 AND page_title=img_name
LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from=page_id AND cl_to IN (
WHERE img_major_mime="image" AND img_minor_mime="gif" AND img_media_type="BITMAP"
AND (img_metadata LIKE "%\"frameCount\";i:1;%"
XOR cl_from IS NULL)
GROUP BY img_name;
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