use wikidatawiki_p;
SELECT CONCAT('*\\',ips_site_page,' \\ [[Q',ips_item_id,']]')
FROM wb_items_per_site
JOIN (SELECT * FROM pagelinks JOIN wb_entity_per_page ON epp_page_id = pl_from
WHERE pl_namespace = 120 and pl_title = "P625") as pl
ON ips_item_id = pl.epp_entity_id
where ips_site_id = "svwiki"
and ips_site_page in (SELECT REPLACE(page_title, '_', ' ')
FROM svwiki_p.page
join svwiki_p.categorylinks on cl_from=page_id
WHERE page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
and cl_to = "Robotskapade_Kinaartiklar")
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