use wikidatawiki_p;
SELECT p.page_title, CONCAT(pp_value)
FROM page as p, page_props as pp, wikidatawiki_p.page as wdp
#LEFT JOIN wikidatawiki_p.pagelinks wdpl ON wdpl.pl_from = wdp.page_id AND (wdpl.pl_title = 'P31' or wdpl.pl_title = 'P279') AND wdpl.pl_namespace = 120
WHERE p.page_namespace = 0
#and exists (select * from wikidatawiki_p.pagelinks wdpl where wdpl.pl_from = wdp.page_id AND (wdpl.pl_title = 'P31') AND wdpl.pl_namespace = 120)
and exists
and exists (select * from wikidatawiki_p.pagelinks wdpl where wdpl.pl_from = wdp.page_id AND (wdpl.pl_title = 'P31')
AND wdpl.pl_namespace = 120)
#and not exists (select * from wikidatawiki_p.wb_terms tt WHERE tt.term_entity_type = 'item' and tt.term_entity_id = wdp.page_id
# AND tt.term_language = 'ar' AND tt.term_type = 'label' and tt.term_text like "قالب:%")
AND pp_page = p.page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item' AND wdp.page_title = pp_value AND wdp.page_namespace = 0
# and (p.page_title like "أحمد_%") and (p.page_title not like "%_أحمد")
# and (p.page_title not like "%أباد%")
# and (p.page_title not like "%آباد%")
# and (p.page_title not like "%توضيح%")
# and (p.page_title like "علي_%") and (p.page_title not like "%_علي")
GROUP BY p.page_title
#order by ll_from
LIMIT 1;*/
use wikidatawiki_p;
SELECT * from wb_terms
join wb_items_per_site on term_entity_id = ips_item_id
and ips_site_id = "arwiki"
WHERE term_entity_type = 'item'
AND term_language = 'ar'
AND term_type = 'label'
AND term_text not like 'قالب%'
and term_entity_id in
(SELECT ips_item_id FROM wb_items_per_site WHERE ips_item_id = term_entity_id and ips_site_id = "arwiki" )
and term_entity_id in
(select * from pagelinks wdpl where wdpl.pl_from = term_entity_id AND (wdpl.pl_title = 'Q11266439')
AND wdpl.pl_namespace = 0)
limit 9;
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