ifnull(up_value,"ru") as `language`,
count(*) as over1edit,
count(case when user_editcount > 10 then 1 else null end) as over10edits,
count(case when user_editcount > 100 then 1 else null end) as over100edits,
count(case when user_editcount > 1000 then 1 else null end) as over1000edits,
count(case when user_editcount > 10000 then 1 else null end) as over10000edits
from ruwiki_p.user_properties
right join ruwiki_p.user on up_user = user_id
left join ruwiki_p.user_groups on ug_user = up_user and ug_group = "bot"
left join ruwiki_p.user_former_groups on ufg_user = up_user and ufg_group = "bot"
up_property = "language"
or up_property is NULL
and user_editcount > 1
and (
ug_group is null
or ufg_group is null
group by up_value
order by over1edit desc
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