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DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `s51857__c_tmp`; CREATE DATABASE `s51857__c_tmp`; CREATE TABLE `s51857__c_tmp`.`tmp_apc_species` ENGINE=MEMORY ( SELECT REPLACE(`user_name`, ' ', '_') AS 'uname', `user_id`, `user_name`, `user_editcount`, `user_registration` FROM `user` /* there are very few users with > 300 edits compared to the overall number of users */ WHERE `user`.`user_editcount` > 300 /* DB should be prepared for joining these two (MediaWiki does this all the time); */ /* user_groups is supposedly a relatively small table */ AND `user`.`user_id` NOT IN ( SELECT `ug_user` FROM `user_groups` ) /* do not include brand new users who just experimented with Cat-A-Lot */ AND (DATEDIFF( NOW(), `user`.`user_registration` ) > 30 OR `user`.`user_registration` IS NULL) /* and of course these users should not be blocked currently */ AND `user`.`user_id` NOT IN ( SELECT `ipb_user` FROM `ipblocks` ) /* and have an edit or other contribution within the last 30 days */ /* this makes the query notably slower but should be almost constant */ /* even if we get a lot new users or operate this wiki another 10 years */ /* while user_daily_contribs will grow over time and might consume even more */ /* resources in the future */ AND `user`.`user_id` IN ( SELECT `rc_user` FROM `recentchanges_userindex` )); SELECT `user_id`, CONVERT(`user_name` USING 'utf8') AS 'name', CONVERT(`block_reasons` USING 'utf8') AS 'reason', `user_editcount` AS 'editcount', DATE_FORMAT(`user_registration`, '%Y-%m-%d') AS 'regdate' FROM `s51857__c_tmp`.`tmp_apc_species` LEFT JOIN (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`log_comment` SEPARATOR ' // ') AS 'block_reasons', `log_title` FROM `logging_userindex` WHERE `log_type`='block' AND `log_title` IN (SELECT `uname` FROM `s51857__c_tmp`.`tmp_apc_species`) GROUP BY `log_title`) AS `user_selection` ON `user_selection`.`log_title`=`s51857__c_tmp`.`tmp_apc_species`.`uname` ORDER BY `user_editcount` DESC; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `s51857__c_tmp`;
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