select * from recentchanges as rc1
left join (
select * from recentchanges as rc2
inner join page as p2 on rc2.rc_cur_id = p2.page_id
where rc_type = 6
and page_namespace = 3
and rc_title = "Requests_for_unblock"
and rc_params like '%"added";b:0;%'
) as rc2
on rc1.rc_type = 3
and rc2.page_title = rc1.rc_title
and unix_timestamp(rc2.rc_timestamp)
not between unix_timestamp(rc1.rc_timestamp) - (10 * 60) and unix_timestamp(rc1.rc_timestamp) + (10 * 60)
and unix_timestamp(rc2.rc_timestamp)
between unix_timestamp(rc1.rc_timestamp) - (60 * 60) and unix_timestamp(rc1.rc_timestamp) + (60 * 60)
where rc1.rc_type = 3
and rc1.rc_log_type = 'block'
and rc1.rc_log_action = 'unblock';
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