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/* - objective - get an estimate of the extendedconfirmed protection coverage for the PIA topic area - uses Zero's expanded definition for the approximation of the topic area - try new way to select page titles in topic area (comment out talk pages for this particular query) - appears to be much faster standalone, but may not be significantly different when used as part of larger queries - hard to tell due to the server's wildly varying performance and plan caching - there are probably other ways to do this that may produce different results - look at the logs - or join topic area pages to Category:Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages - the catch being that you need to traverse the category graph because there are subcats, so would need to use hierarchical query - or look for pp templates - the catch being that there is diversity */ with pia_titles1 as ( select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from linktarget lt join templatelinks tl on tl.tl_target_id = lt.lt_id join page p on p.page_id = tl.tl_from where lt.lt_namespace = 10 -- Template and lt.lt_title in ("ArbCom_Arab-Israeli_enforcement", "Contentious_topics/Arab-Israeli_talk_notice") and p.page_namespace = 1 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 ), pia_titles2 as ( select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join categorylinks cl_a on p.page_id = cl_a.cl_from and cl_a.cl_to = "WikiProject_Israel_articles" join categorylinks cl_b on p.page_id = cl_b.cl_from and cl_b.cl_to = "WikiProject_Palestine_articles" where p.page_namespace = 1 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join categorylinks cl_a on page_id = cl_a.cl_from and cl_a.cl_to = "WikiProject_Israel_articles" join categorylinks cl_b on page_id = cl_b.cl_from and cl_b.cl_to = "WikiProject_Lebanon_articles" where p.page_namespace = 1 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join categorylinks cl_a on page_id = cl_a.cl_from and cl_a.cl_to = "WikiProject_Israel_articles" join categorylinks cl_b on page_id = cl_b.cl_from and cl_b.cl_to = "WikiProject_Syria_articles" where p.page_namespace = 1 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join categorylinks cl_a on page_id = cl_a.cl_from and cl_a.cl_to = "WikiProject_Israel_Palestine_Collaboration_articles" where p.page_namespace = 1 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 ), pia_talk as ( select * from pia_titles1 union select * from pia_titles2 ), pia as ( select * from pia_talk union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 0 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 -- article union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 10 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 -- template -- union -- select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p -- join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 11 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 14 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 -- category -- union -- select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p -- n pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 15 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 100 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 -- portal -- union -- select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p -- join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 101 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 union select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 118 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 -- draft -- union -- select p.page_id, p.page_title, p.page_namespace from page p -- join pia_talk on p.page_title = pia_talk.page_title and p.page_namespace = 119 and p.page_is_redirect = 0 ), ec_protected as ( select p.page_id, convert(replace(p.page_title,'_',' ') using utf8mb4) page_title, p.page_namespace, case when p.page_namespace = 0 then '(Main/Article)' when p.page_namespace = 1 then 'Talk' when p.page_namespace = 2 then 'User' when p.page_namespace = 3 then 'User talk' when p.page_namespace = 4 then 'Wikipedia' when p.page_namespace = 5 then 'Wikipedia talk' when p.page_namespace = 6 then 'File' when p.page_namespace = 7 then 'File talk' when p.page_namespace = 8 then 'MediaWiki' when p.page_namespace = 9 then 'MediaWiki talk' when p.page_namespace = 10 then 'Template' when p.page_namespace = 11 then 'Template talk' when p.page_namespace = 12 then 'Help' when p.page_namespace = 13 then 'Help talk' when p.page_namespace = 14 then 'Category' when p.page_namespace = 15 then 'Category talk' when p.page_namespace = 100 then 'Portal' when p.page_namespace = 101 then 'Portal talk' when p.page_namespace = 118 then 'Draft' when p.page_namespace = 119 then 'Draft talk' when p.page_namespace = 710 then 'TimedText' when p.page_namespace = 711 then 'TimedText talk' when p.page_namespace = 828 then 'Module' when p.page_namespace = 829 then 'Module talk' else null end as namespace_desc, case when pr.pr_level is null then 0 else 1 end ec_protected from pia p left join page_restrictions pr on p.page_id = pr.pr_page and pr.pr_level = 'extendedconfirmed' and pr.pr_type = 'edit' where mod(p.page_namespace,2) = 0 -- exclude talk pages ) select * from ec_protected union select '',' ','','', concat( round(100*sum(ec_protected)/count(*),1), '% (', sum(ec_protected), ' protected out of ', count(*), ' pages)' ) from ec_protected order by page_title, page_namespace
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