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The total edit count of editors who've signed [[Wikipedia:2024 open letter to the Wikimedia Foundation]]. There are anomalies here. There are 1298 total editors who've ever edited the page and 1292 different users linked from the page (whether as a link to their user page, user talk page, or a subpage of either); there are also 1292 signatures shown. 12 are in the first group but not the second, 6 in the second but not the first, and 1286 are in both groups. I haven't investigated closely, but note in passing that [[User:LukeEverhardt]], as signed, redirects to [[User:Luke Elaine Burke]], who edited. Four of the other five links to userpages/usertalks of users who didn't ever edit the page are also to users who don't currently exist. Most likely they correspond to users in the first group; the remainder of the first group either never signed (such as Valereee, who copyedited the letter in [[Special:Diff/1255982840]]), or signed but either withdrew (such as Djano Unchained [[Special:Diff/1255988052]], [[Special:Diff/1256184681]]) or were otherwise removed. Edit count is the same as reported in [[Special:Contributions]], so it includes most deleted edits and isn't necessarily exact. The count doesn't exist for ips, which is why only 1284 is shown below instead of 1286: ips (149 edits) and (5 edits) are in both groups. The one listed ip who edited the page but isn't linked from it genuinely never signed the letter.
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WITH editors(e_name) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT actor_name FROM page JOIN revision ON rev_page = page_id JOIN actor_revision ON actor_id = rev_actor WHERE page_namespace = 4 AND page_title = '2024_open_letter_to_the_Wikimedia_Foundation' ), links(l_name) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(lt_title, '/.*', ''), '_', ' ') FROM page JOIN pagelinks ON pl_from = page_id JOIN linktarget ON lt_id = pl_target_id WHERE page_namespace = 4 AND page_title = '2024_open_letter_to_the_Wikimedia_Foundation' AND lt_namespace IN (2, 3) ) SELECT NULL AS 'name', COUNT(user_editcount) AS 'number of users', SUM(user_editcount) AS 'edit count', 'sum of users who both edited and have links to userpage/usertalk' AS 'label' FROM editors JOIN links ON l_name = e_name LEFT JOIN user ON user_name = e_name UNION SELECT e_name, 1, user_editcount, 'user edited page but no link to userpage/usertalk' FROM editors LEFT JOIN links ON l_name = e_name LEFT JOIN user ON user_name = e_name WHERE l_name IS NULL UNION SELECT l_name, 1, user_editcount, 'page links to userpage/usertalk but user never edited page' FROM links LEFT JOIN editors ON e_name = l_name LEFT JOIN user ON user_name = l_name WHERE e_name IS NULL;
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