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KCVelaga (WMF)
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-- ===================================================================================================================== -- fields/tables related to reverts made by Automoderator are prefixed with amr_ (automoderator's reverts) -- fields/tables related to the edit which Automoderator reverted are prefixed with revr_ (reverted revisions) -- fields/tables related to edits which reverted Automoderator's reverts are prefixed with revamr_ (reverted AN reverts) -- ===================================================================================================================== WITH automod_reverts AS ( SELECT -- ======================================================================= -- data related to reverts made by Automoderator (prefix: amr_) -- ======================================================================= CURDATE() AS snapshot_date, 'trwiki' AS wiki_db, 0 AS is_small_wiki, --; amr_rev.rev_id AS amr_rev_id, amr_rev.rev_timestamp AS amr_rev_dt, DATE(amr_rev.rev_timestamp) AS amr_rev_date, MAX( CASE WHEN amr_ctag_def.ctd_name = 'mw-reverted' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END ) AS is_amr_reverted, amr_rev.rev_parent_id AS amr_rev_parent_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(amr_rev.rev_timestamp) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(revr_rev.rev_timestamp) AS amr_time_to_revert_sec, -- ========================================================================= -- data related to edits that were reverted by Automoderator (prefix: revr_) -- ========================================================================= revr_rev.rev_id AS revr_rev_id, revr_actor.actor_name AS revr_actor_name, revr_rev.rev_timestamp AS revr_rev_dt, DATE(revr_rev.rev_timestamp) AS revr_rev_date, CASE WHEN revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL THEN 'anonymous' WHEN revr_user.user_is_temp THEN 'temporary' WHEN revr_actor.actor_user IS NOT NULL AND NOT revr_user.user_is_temp AND revr_user.user_editcount < 50 THEN 'newcomer' ELSE 'other_registered' END AS revr_user_type, CASE WHEN (revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL OR revr_user.user_is_temp) THEN NULL WHEN NOT (revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL OR revr_user.user_is_temp) AND revr_user.user_editcount = 0 THEN '0' WHEN NOT (revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL OR revr_user.user_is_temp) AND revr_user.user_editcount BETWEEN 1 AND 5 THEN '1-5' WHEN NOT (revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL OR revr_user.user_is_temp) AND revr_user.user_editcount BETWEEN 6 AND 99 THEN '6-99' WHEN NOT (revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL OR revr_user.user_is_temp) AND revr_user.user_editcount BETWEEN 100 AND 999 THEN '100-999' WHEN NOT (revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL OR revr_user.user_is_temp) AND revr_user.user_editcount BETWEEN 1000 AND 4999 THEN '1000-4999' WHEN NOT (revr_actor.actor_user IS NULL OR revr_user.user_is_temp) AND revr_user.user_editcount > 5000 THEN '5000+' ELSE 'misc' END AS revr_user_editcount_bucket FROM revision amr_rev JOIN change_tag amr_ctag ON amr_rev.rev_id = amr_ctag.ct_rev_id JOIN change_tag_def amr_ctag_def ON amr_ctag.ct_tag_id = amr_ctag_def.ctd_id JOIN actor amr_actor ON amr_rev.rev_actor = amr_actor.actor_id JOIN revision revr_rev ON amr_rev.rev_parent_id = revr_rev.rev_id JOIN actor revr_actor ON revr_rev.rev_actor = revr_actor.actor_id LEFT JOIN user revr_user ON revr_actor.actor_user = revr_user.user_id WHERE amr_actor.actor_name = 'Otomoderatör' AND DATE(amr_rev.rev_timestamp) > DATE('2024-5-31') GROUP BY amr_rev.rev_id, wiki_db ), -- ============================================================================== -- data related to reverted Automoderator reverts, if applicable (prefix: revam_) -- ============================================================================== reverted_am_reverts AS ( SELECT amr.*, revam_rev.rev_id AS revam_rev_id, revam_rev.rev_timestamp AS revam_rev_dt, DATE(revam_rev.rev_timestamp) AS revam_rev_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(revam_rev.rev_timestamp) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(amr.amr_rev_dt) AS revam_time_to_revert_sec, revam_actor.actor_name AS revam_actor_name, CASE WHEN revam_actor.actor_user IS NULL THEN 'anonymous' WHEN revam_user.user_is_temp THEN 'temporary' WHEN revam_actor.actor_user IS NOT NULL AND NOT revam_user.user_is_temp AND revam_user.user_editcount < 50 THEN 'newcomer' ELSE 'other_registered' END AS revam_user_type, -- a proxy for potential false positve rate, if an Automoderator's revert is reverted back -- the revert should be made by a different user, unless they other_registered (i.e. not anonymous, temporary or newcomers) CASE WHEN amr.revr_actor_name = revam_actor.actor_name AND NOT amr.revr_user_type = 'other_registered' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END AS is_potential_false_positive FROM revision revam_rev JOIN automod_reverts amr ON revam_rev.rev_parent_id = amr.amr_rev_id JOIN actor revam_actor ON revam_rev.rev_actor = revam_actor.actor_id LEFT JOIN user revam_user ON revam_actor.actor_user = revam_user.user_id WHERE is_amr_reverted ) SELECT * , NULL AS revam_rev_id, NULL AS revam_rev_dt, NULL AS revam_rev_date, NULL AS revam_time_to_revert_sec, NULL AS revam_actor_name, NULL AS revam_user_type, NULL AS is_potential_false_positive FROM automod_reverts WHERE NOT is_amr_reverted UNION ALL SELECT * FROM reverted_am_reverts
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