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de.wikibooks GFDL files by upload date in cat
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-- CTE to find the earliest timestamp for each file in the image table WITH earliest_images AS ( SELECT img_name, MIN(img_timestamp) as earliest_timestamp FROM image GROUP BY img_name ), -- CTE to find the earliest timestamp for each file in the oldimage table earliest_oldimages AS ( SELECT oi_name, MIN(oi_timestamp) as earliest_timestamp FROM oldimage WHERE oi_deleted = 0 GROUP BY oi_name ) -- Query to get original upload date from the image table SELECT CONCAT("# [[:File:", page_title, "]]") as File, ei.earliest_timestamp as original_upload_date FROM templatelinks JOIN page ON tl_from = page_id JOIN earliest_images ei ON ei.img_name = page_title AND page_namespace = 6 JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id AND cl_type = "file" AND cl_to = "GFDL-Bild" GROUP BY page_title, ei.earliest_timestamp UNION ALL -- Query to get information from the oldimage table SELECT CONCAT("# [[:File:", oi_name, "]]") as File, eoi.earliest_timestamp as original_upload_date FROM oldimage INNER JOIN page p ON p.page_title = oi_name AND p.page_namespace = 6 INNER JOIN earliest_oldimages eoi ON eoi.oi_name = p.page_title INNER JOIN categorylinks c ON c.cl_from = p.page_id AND c.cl_to = "GFDL-Bild" -- Non-free files -- INNER JOIN categorylinks c ON c.cl_from = p.page_id AND c.cl_to = "सभी_मुक्त_मीडिया" -- Free files WHERE oi_deleted = 0 GROUP BY oi_name, eoi.earliest_timestamp;
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