Query Run
SET max_recursive_iterations=2; WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from,... 3 weeks ago
SET max_recursive_iterations=4; WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from,... 3 weeks ago
SET max_recursive_iterations=2; WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from,... 3 weeks ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to, cl_from,... 1 month ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to, cl_to,... 1 month ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to, cl_to,... 1 month ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to, cl_to,... 1 month ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to, cl_to,... 1 month ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cat_tree, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to,... 1 month ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cat_tree, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to,... 1 month ago
WITH RECURSIVE cats( cl_to, cat_tree, cl_from, cl_type ) AS (SELECT cl_to,... 1 month ago