L.log_namespace AS '元空間',
L.log_title AS '移動元ページ名',
P.page_namespace AS '現空間',
P.page_title AS '現在のページ名',
A.actor_name AS '編集者',
L.log_timestamp AS '日時',
C.comment_text AS '要約欄'
FROM logging L
INNER JOIN page P ON L.log_page = P.page_id
INNER JOIN actor A ON L.log_actor = A.actor_id
INNER JOIN comment C ON L.log_comment_id = C.comment_id
WHERE L.log_timestamp > 20240101000000
AND L.log_type = 'move'
AND L.log_namespace != P.page_namespace
ORDER BY L.log_timestamp DESC;
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