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/* debugging I was able to complete the above SQL query as seen in However, when I run the same query again at I got the error "OperationalError('table resultsets already exists')". How should I fix the error? I guess that resultsets may be a temporary table that was produced in running my previous SQL query. -- Check the current read-only status SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'read_only'; -- Disable read-only mode SET GLOBAL read_only = OFF; -- Perform your operations DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resultsets; -- Re-enable read-only mode if needed SET GLOBAL read_only = ON; */ /* SET @VOTE_TIME = 20240616153600; SET @PRIOR_90_VOTE_TIME = 20240318153600; SET @PRIOR_120_VOTE_TIME = 20240217153600; WITH all_revision AS ( SELECT rev_id, rev_actor, rev_page, rev_timestamp FROM revision_userindex UNION SELECT ar_id AS rev_id, ar_actor AS rev_actor, ar_page_id AS rev_page, ar_timestamp AS rev_timestamp FROM archive_userindex ), user_registration AS ( SELECT actor_id, actor_user, actor_name, user_registration FROM actor JOIN user ON actor_user = user_id WHERE user_registration <= @PRIOR_120_VOTE_TIME ) */ SET @PRIOR_120_VOTE_TIME = 20240217153600; SELECT user_id, user_name, user_registration, user_editcount FROM user WHERE user_registration <= @PRIOR_120_VOTE_TIME AND user_editcount >= 3000 ORDER BY user_name; /* SELECT user_id, user_name, user_editcount, user_registration FROM user WHERE user_registration >= 20200501000000 AND user_editcount >= 10 ORDER BY user_editcount DESC; SELECT actor_user, actor_name, COUNT(*) AS edits FROM actor JOIN all_revision ON actor_id = all_revision.rev_actor WHERE actor_user IS NOT NULL AND all_revision.rev_timestamp < @VOTE_TIME AND actor_name = "gluo88" GROUP BY actor_id HAVING edits >= 3000 SELECT actor_id, actor_user, actor_name, user_registration FROM actor JOIN user ON actor_user = user_id WHERE actor_name = "gluo88"; */
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