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Louisville area-related articles with old issues per year
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The SQL uses your project's category of included articles/pages, esp. useful for cases where the project template doesn't directly indicate the project involved. Hat tip to Uhai for their assistance.
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# Louisville area-related articles with old issues SET @CleanupYear = '2007'; SET @ProjectName = 'Louisville'; WITH RECURSIVE maincattree AS ( SELECT cl1.cl_from FROM categorylinks cl1 WHERE cl1.cl_to = CONCAT('Clean-up_categories_from_', @CleanupYear) -- Substitute the year of old issues you're interested in UNION SELECT cl1.cl_from FROM categorylinks cl1 INNER JOIN page p ON cl1.cl_to = p.page_title AND p.page_namespace = 14 INNER JOIN maincattree mct ON mct.cl_from = p.page_id ), talkcat AS ( SELECT cl2.cl_from FROM categorylinks cl2 WHERE cl2.cl_to = CONCAT('WikiProject_', @ProjectName, '_articles') -- substitute your project category of included articles, pages, etc. ) SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY p.page_title ASC) AS '#', p.page_title AS 'Article', SUBSTRING_INDEX(cl3.cl_to, "-", 1) AS 'Rating', SUBSTRING_INDEX(cl4.cl_to, "-", 1) AS 'Importance', cl5.cl_to AS 'Cleanup Category' FROM page p INNER JOIN page tp ON p.page_title = tp.page_title AND tp.page_namespace = 1 LEFT JOIN categorylinks AS cl3 ON cl3.cl_from = tp.page_id AND cl3.cl_to REGEXP CONCAT("^\\w+-Class_", @ProjectName, "_articles$") -- substitute your project BASE category name for the rating LEFT JOIN categorylinks AS cl4 ON cl4.cl_from = tp.page_id AND cl4.cl_to REGEXP CONCAT("^\\w+-importance_", @ProjectName, "_articles$" -- substitute your project BASE category name for project importance LEFT JOIN categorylinks AS cl5 on cl5.cl_from = p.page_id AND cl5.cl_to LIKE CONCAT('%', @CleanupYear) WHERE p.page_namespace = 0 AND p.page_id IN (SELECT mct.cl_from FROM maincattree mct) AND tp.page_id IN (SELECT tc.cl_from FROM talkcat tc) ORDER BY p.page_title ASC;
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