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WiR short pages by unblocked new accounts sans userpage wide-range
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SET @PAGELENGTH_MAX = 12500; SET @PAGE_CREATION_START = "2023-06-01"; # as early as 2021-11-01 is OK SET @REGISTRATION_START = "2019-06-01"; # as early as 2020-01-01 is OK SET @PAGE_CREATION_MIN = 2; # only report users who have created at least this many SET @ARTICLE_SPACE = 0; SET @TALK_SPACE = 1; SET @USER_SPACE = 2; SET @CAT1 = "Unknown-importance Women's sport articles"; SET @CAT2 = "Low-importance Women's sport articles"; SET @CAT3 = "Paralympics task force articles"; SET @CAT4 ="All WikiProject Women in Red pages"; SET @CAT1_UNDERSCORE = REPLACE(@CAT1," ","_"); SET @CAT2_UNDERSCORE = REPLACE(@CAT2," ","_"); SET @CAT3_UNDERSCORE = REPLACE(@CAT3," ","_"); SET @CAT4_UNDERSCORE = REPLACE(@CAT4," ","_"); SELECT user_name,count(*) as pages, DATE_FORMAT(max(rev_timestamp), "%Y-%m-%d") as last_edit FROM page pageA,revision,categorylinks,page pageB,actor,user where pageB.page_title = pageA.page_title and cl_from=pageA.page_id and (cl_to = @CAT1_UNDERSCORE OR cl_to = @CAT2_UNDERSCORE OR cl_to = @CAT3_UNDERSCORE OR cl_to = @CAT4_UNDERSCORE) and revision.rev_timestamp >= @PAGE_CREATION_START and revision.rev_page = pageB.page_id and revision.rev_parent_id = 0 # NEW PAGE CREATION and revision.rev_actor = actor.actor_id and user.user_id = actor.actor_user and user.user_registration >= @REGISTRATION_START and pageA.page_namespace = @TALK_SPACE and pageB.page_namespace = @ARTICLE_SPACE and pageB.page_is_redirect = 0 and pageB.page_len < @PAGELENGTH_MAX and not exists( # Filter out blocked users select 1 from ipblocks where user_id=ipb_user # BLOCKED USER ) and not exists( select 1 from page where page_namespace = @USER_SPACE and page_title = user_name ) and user_name not in ('Walrus World','Balance person','Gab Brasseur','Bayu Oktarino','Sarah.moorhouse', 'Otepoti Creative','Yonbik','Reading Beans','SparklyJellyfish', 'AMM Pittsburgh','Patricia Mannerheim','Grnrchst','Significa liberdade','Less Unless', 'Oughtta Be Otters') # cheap whitelist group by user_name HAVING pages >= @PAGE_CREATION_MIN ORDER BY last_edit desc limit 100
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