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(More precisely, the usernames and user_registration fields of users with user_id's surrounding Jclemens' user_id.) Answer: likely 27 February 2005, probably between 2:47:41 and 2:53:48 UTC, but. Why some users have NULL user_registration, and why some have user_registration's out of sequence with their user_id's, is mysterious. I had previously guessed both are because user_registration wasn't recorded at the time, and was backfilled at some point with the timestamp of the user's first edit - that's consistent with a couple spot checks in these results, i.e. the others with NULL registration have no edits - but then, how come Jclemens' user_registration never got backfilled? (Maybe his first edit was oversighted? Maybe the backfilling happened between his registration and eventual first edit on 24 August 2006?) For [[Wikipedia:Deletion review/Log/2024 May 31]].
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SET @jcid = (SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name = 'Jclemens'); SELECT user_id, user_name, CAST(user_registration AS DATETIME) FROM user WHERE user_id BETWEEN @jcid - 10 AND @jcid + 10 ORDER BY user_id ASC;
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