Fork of
count of thanksSendToBots in ruwiki
by Alex NB IT
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Alex NB IT.
select concat(substr(log_timestamp, 1, 4), '-', substr(log_timestamp, 5, 2) , '-', substr(log_timestamp, 7, 2), 'T', substr(log_timestamp, 9, 2), ':', substr(log_timestamp, 11, 2), ':', substr(log_timestamp, 13, 2)), (select actor_name from actor where log_actor = actor_id), replace(log_title, '_', ' ')
from logging
join user on replace(log_title, '_', ' ') = user_name
where log_type = "thanks" and user_id in (select ug_user from user_groups where ug_group = "bot")
and log_timestamp >= 20240101000000
order by log_id desc;
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