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#Preliminary approach: return user edit counts, a field already tracked by wikis. #caveats: not accurate, for details refer to Manual:user table, user_editcount #SELECT user.user_id, user.user_name, user.user_editcount FROM user #WHERE NOT EXISTS ( -- the following subquery selects users that are bots and NOT EXISTS filters them out # SELECT 1 FROM user_groups # WHERE user.user_id = user_groups.ug_user # AND user_groups.ug_group = 'bot' #) #ORDER BY user_editcount DESC #LIMIT 10 #Approach 2 #Inner join / Extracting all revisions made by all actors that have made a revision in this wiki #Tables used: actor, revision, user_groups SELECT actor.actor_name AS Editor, COUNT(revision.rev_id) AS Num_Edits -- COUNT is used to aggreate number of revisions made by a particular actor FROM actor INNER JOIN revision ON actor.actor_id = revision.rev_actor -- optional criteria: filtering article edits, bots, minor edits --------- INNER JOIN page ON revision.rev_page = page.page_id -- get only pages/articles that have been edited. for some users, 5-10% edits are non-article edits WHERE NOT EXISTS ( -- the following subquery selects users that are bots, and NOT EXISTS filters them out SELECT 1 FROM user_groups WHERE actor.actor_user = user_groups.ug_user AND user_groups.ug_group = 'bot' ) AND revision.rev_minor_edit = 0 -- only include major edits as minor edits can often be typo correction/automated mass edits #INNER JOIN user_groups ON actor.actor_user = user_groups.ug_user -- join with user_group table using id to find if user is a bot #WHERE user_groups.ug_group != 'bot' -- exclude bots from selection -- can remove comment delimiters if bots are to be filtered ---------------------------------- GROUP BY Editor -- grouping the aggregate count by editor who performed the revisions ORDER BY Num_Edits DESC LIMIT 10 -- getting top 10 from descending ordered data #Interestingly, the two approaches above result in slightly different rankings #Some user edit counts are undercounted and some are overcounted in the first approach #Since it doesn't involve a join, first approach is faster #both approaches are slow for large wikis/more users
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