Fork of
البحث عن مقالات ملخص تعديل معين
by جار الله
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by لوقا.
use arwiki_p;
SELECT page_id,page_title,rev_id,rev_timestamp, comment_text,
#concat("[[نقاش المستخدم:",page_title,"]]") as "الاسم",
#concat("[",rev_id," تحقق]") as "الرقم"
FROM revision_userindex
INNER JOIN page ON rev_page = page_id
INNER JOIN actor ON rev_actor = actor.actor_id
INNER JOIN comment ON comment_id = rev_comment_id
#rev_timestamp between 20220217000000 and 20220218000000
#AND page_namespace = 0
#AND page.page_is_redirect = 0
actor_name = 'LokasBot'
AND comment_text like _utf8"%توزيع أوسمة%" collate utf8_general_ci;
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