WITH articles AS (
SELECT DISTINCT(Article.page_title), Article.page_id, rev_timestamp, rev_len as "InitialSize", Article.page_len as "CurrentSize"
FROM revision_userindex
JOIN page AS Article ON Article.page_id = rev_page AND Article.page_namespace = 0
JOIN page AS Talk ON Article.page_title = Talk.page_title AND Talk.page_namespace = 1
JOIN categorylinks AS ArticleCat ON ArticleCat.cl_from = Article.page_id
JOIN categorylinks AS TalkCat ON TalkCat.cl_from = Talk.page_id
WHERE rev_parent_id = 0
AND Article.page_is_redirect = 0
AND rev_actor = 482
AND (ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1896_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1900_Summer_Olympics'
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OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1912_Summer_Olympics'
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OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1920_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1924_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1928_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1932_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1936_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1940_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1944_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1948_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1952_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1956_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1960_Summer_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1924_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1928_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1932_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1936_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1940_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1944_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1948_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1952_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1956_Winter_Olympics'
OR ArticleCat.cl_to LIKE '%1960_Winter_Olympics')
AND (TalkCat.cl_to LIKE '%iography%')
AND Article.page_len < 3000
articlessansmedalists AS (
SELECT page_title, page_id, rev_timestamp, InitialSize, CurrentSize, cl_to
FROM articles
LEFT JOIN categorylinks as ArticleCatExc ON ArticleCatExc.cl_from = page_id
AND ArticleCatExc.cl_to LIKE "Medalists_at_the%"
WHERE ArticleCatExc.cl_to IS NULL
articledaycount AS (
SELECT LEFT(rev_timestamp, 8) AS date, COUNT(*) as datecount
FROM revision_userindex
JOIN page ON page_id = rev_page
WHERE rev_parent_id = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
AND rev_actor = 482
AND page_namespace = 0
contributions AS (
SELECT articlessansmedalists.page_title, articlessansmedalists.page_id, articlessansmedalists.InitialSize, articlessansmedalists.CurrentSize, articlessansmedalists.rev_timestamp, childRev.rev_len as "ChildRevLen", parentRev.rev_len as "ParentRevLen", childRev.rev_actor
FROM articlessansmedalists
LEFT JOIN revision_userindex AS childRev ON page_id = childRev.rev_page
LEFT JOIN revision AS parentRev ON childRev.rev_parent_id = parentRev.rev_id
LEFT JOIN change_tag ON childRev.rev_id = ct_rev_id AND ct_tag_id IN (590, 1, 539, 582) #reverted or undo
WHERE ct_tag_id IS NULL
contribution_count AS (
SELECT page_title, page_id, InitialSize, CurrentSize, CAST(CurrentSize AS SIGNED) - CAST(InitialSize AS SIGNED) as Growth, rev_timestamp, SUM(CASE WHEN CAST(ChildRevLen as SIGNED) - CAST(ParentRevLen as SIGNED) > 300 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as ContributorCount
FROM contributions
WHERE rev_actor != 482
GROUP BY page_id
reference AS (
FROM articlessansmedalists
JOIN externallinks ON el_from = page_id
WHERE LEFT(el_index,17) NOT IN ("http://com.google",
AND LEFT(el_index,20) NOT IN ("https://com.olympics",
SELECT page_title, InitialSize, CurrentSize, (CAST(CurrentSize AS SIGNED) - CAST(InitialSize AS SIGNED)) as Growth, rev_timestamp, datecount
FROM contribution_count
JOIN articledaycount ON date = LEFT(rev_timestamp, 8)
WHERE page_id NOT IN (SELECT * FROM reference)
AND ContributorCount = 0
ORDER BY page_title ASC
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