select actor_name as "username", count(rev_actor) as "edit_count",
IF(actor_name in (
select replace(pl_title,"_"," ") from pagelinks
join page on page.page_id = pagelinks.pl_from
where page.page_namespace in (4)
and page_title like "مشروع_ويكي_العراق/المساهمون"
and pl_namespace in (2)
and pl_from_namespace in (4)
), "YES", "NO") as "in_WikiProject"
from revision
JOIN actor ON actor_id = rev_actor
#where rev_timestamp > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)
where rev_timestamp > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 DAY)
AND actor_name NOT IN (SELECT user_name FROM user_groups JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user WHERE ug_group = 'bot')
#todo: use join
and rev_page in (
select page.page_id from page where page.page_namespace in (0)
and page.page_title in (
select p0.page_title from categorylinks
inner join page p0 on p0.page_id = categorylinks.cl_from
where categorylinks.cl_to like "مقالات_مشروع_ويكي_العراق" and categorylinks.cl_type = "page" and p0.page_namespace in (1)
GROUP BY rev_actor
HAVING count(rev_actor) > 10
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