Fork of
صفحات المساهمين في المشاريع
by FShbib
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by لوقا.
SELECT CONCAT('[[ويكيبيديا:', page_title, ']]') AS page_title, CONCAT('[[ويكيبيديا:', replace(page_title,"المساهمون","قائمة المساهمين"), ']]') as page_list
FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = 4 and page_is_redirect = 0
AND page_title REGEXP '^مشروع_ويكي_(.*)/المساهمون$'
and page_title not in (
select CONCAT(p0.page_title,"/المساهمون") from categorylinks
inner join page p0 on p0.page_id = categorylinks.cl_from
where categorylinks.cl_to like "مشاريع_ويكي_غير_نشطة" and categorylinks.cl_type = "page" and p0.page_namespace in (4)
and p0.page_title like "%مشروع_ويكي%"
select DISTINCT page.page_title from revision
inner join comment on revision.rev_comment_id = comment.comment_id
inner join page on page.page_id = revision.rev_page
where rev_actor in (8)
and page.page_namespace in (4)
#and page.page_is_redirect = 0
and (
comment_text like "%تحديث قائمة المساهمين النشطين حسب%"
and page.page_title like "%قائمة%"
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