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Edits within past five days, users with fewer than 16 edits or with account age younger than six days old. To do: -Indicate whether user is now blocked -Get average or median delta of user's contributions
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SELECT CONCAT('', CASE p.page_namespace WHEN -2 THEN 'Media:' WHEN -1 THEN 'Special:' WHEN 0 THEN '' WHEN 1 THEN 'Talk:' WHEN 2 THEN 'User:' WHEN 3 THEN 'User talk:' WHEN 4 THEN 'Wikipedia:' WHEN 5 THEN 'Wikipedia talk:' WHEN 6 THEN ':File:' WHEN 7 THEN 'File talk:' WHEN 8 THEN 'MediaWiki:' WHEN 9 THEN 'MediaWiki talk:' WHEN 10 THEN 'Template:' WHEN 11 THEN 'Template talk:' WHEN 12 THEN 'Help:' WHEN 13 THEN 'Help talk:' WHEN 14 THEN ':Category:' WHEN 15 THEN 'Category talk:' WHEN 100 THEN 'Portal:' WHEN 101 THEN 'Portal talk:' WHEN 108 THEN 'Book:' WHEN 109 THEN 'Book talk:' WHEN 118 THEN 'Draft:' WHEN 119 THEN 'Draft talk:' WHEN 446 THEN 'Education Program:' WHEN 447 THEN 'Education Program talk:' WHEN 710 THEN 'TimedText:' WHEN 711 THEN 'TimedText talk:' WHEN 828 THEN 'Module:' WHEN 829 THEN 'Module talk:' WHEN 2300 THEN 'Gadget:' WHEN 2301 THEN 'Gadget talk:' WHEN 2302 THEN 'Gadget definition:' WHEN 2303 THEN 'Gadget definition talk:' ELSE CONCAT('{{ns:', p.page_namespace, '}}:') END, p.page_title) AS 'Page', CONCAT('', u.user_name) AS 'User', u.user_editcount AS 'Edit count', TIMESTAMP(u.user_registration) AS 'Registered', TIMESTAMP(MAX(rc.rc_timestamp)) AS 'Last edit' FROM recentchanges rc INNER JOIN page p ON rc.rc_cur_id = p.page_id INNER JOIN page_restrictions pr ON rc.rc_cur_id = pr.pr_page AND pr.pr_type = 'edit' INNER JOIN actor_recentchanges a ON rc.rc_actor = a.actor_id INNER JOIN user u ON a.actor_user = u.user_id INNER JOIN logging_logindex l ON rc.rc_namespace = l.log_namespace AND rc.rc_title = l.log_title AND l.log_type = 'protect' WHERE rc.rc_type = 0 AND rc.rc_timestamp > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 DAY) AND (u.user_editcount <= 15 OR rc.rc_timestamp < DATE_ADD(u.user_registration, INTERVAL 6 DAY)) GROUP BY p.page_namespace, p.page_title, u.user_name, u.user_editcount, u.user_registration HAVING MAX(l.log_timestamp) < MAX(rc.rc_timestamp) ORDER BY MAX(rc.rc_timestamp) DESC
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