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Used to get the pages created by a user that have since been deleted. Note that this query requires post-processing. Due to the way the `archive` table works, multiple log entries may be returned, causing the same ar_id to appear twice here. The receiving end must use post-processing to (1) match the correct `log_page` to `ar_page_id`, if the latter is not null, or (2) find the first logged deletion since after the page was created. The `` pd.`log_timestamp` > `ar_timestamp` `` clause here discards unlikely data to make this a tad faster.
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SELECT * FROM `logging_userindex` pc LEFT JOIN `actor_logging` ac ON ac.`actor_id` = pc.`log_actor` LEFT JOIN `comment_logging` cc ON cc.`comment_id` = pc.`log_comment_id` RIGHT JOIN `logging_logindex` pd ON pd.`log_id` = ( SELECT pds.`log_id` FROM `logging_logindex` pds WHERE pds.`log_page` = pc.`log_page` AND pds.`log_type` = "delete" AND pds.`log_action` = "delete" ORDER BY pds.`log_timestamp` DESC ) LEFT JOIN `actor_logging` ad ON ad.`actor_id` = pd.`log_actor` LEFT JOIN `comment_logging` cd ON cd.`comment_id` = pd.`log_comment_id` WHERE pc.`log_type` = "create" AND pc.`log_action` = "create" AND pc.`log_actor` = ( SELECT a.`actor_id` FROM `actor_logging` a WHERE a.`actor_name` = "Materialscientist" ) ORDER BY pc.`log_timestamp` DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 40
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