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<?php $verbose = false; function getEditCounts( $link, $source, $days = 3, $limit = 5, $method = 'category' ) { $pages = array(); if ( $days <= 30 ) { // Retrieve the ID and timestamp of the first revision within the requested time period. $result = mysqli_query($link, "select s.rev_id,s.rev_timestamp from revision as s where s.rev_timestamp> DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL " . $days . " DAY),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') order by s.rev_timestamp asc limit 1;"); if ( $result ) { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $revId = $row['rev_id']; $revTimestamp = $row['rev_timestamp']; } // Retrieve the pages with the most revisions since the threshold revision. if ( isset( $revId ) && $revId && isset( $revTimestamp ) && $revTimestamp ) { $source = mysqli_real_escape_string( $link, $source ); if ( $method === 'template' ) { $subquery = "select a.page_id,a.page_title from templatelinks join page as t on t.page_id=tl_from and t.page_namespace=1 join page as a on a.page_title=t.page_title and a.page_namespace=0 where tl_title='".$source."' and a.page_latest>".$revId; } else { $subquery = "select a.page_id,a.page_title from categorylinks join page as t on t.page_id=cl_from and t.page_namespace=1 join page as a on a.page_title=t.page_title and a.page_namespace=0 where cl_to='".$source."' and a.page_latest>".$revId; } $query = "select main.page_title as title,count(main.rc_minor) as ctall, sum(main.rc_minor) from (select tt.page_title,rc_minor from recentchanges join (".$subquery.") as tt on rc_cur_id=tt.page_id where rc_timestamp>".$revTimestamp." and rc_type<2) as main group by main.page_title order by ctall desc limit ".$limit.";"; $result = mysqli_query( $link, $query ); if ( $result ) { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $title = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row['title'] ); $pages[$title] = $row['ctall']; } } else { echo "No pages retrieved. " . mysqli_error( $link ) . "\n"; } } else { echo "ID or timestamp of first revision invalid.\n"; } } else { echo "Could not retrieve ID and timestamp of first revision.\n"; } } else { echo "Days greater than maximum.\n"; } return $pages; } /** * Fetch all the subscription data for the bot * * @param object $wikipedia The interface object for Wikipedia * @param string $project The name of a specific WikiProject (e.g. "WikiProject * Spiders"). If no project is specified, config data for all the projects * will be returned. * @return array The configuration data * @throws Exception */ function getSubscriptions( $wikipedia, $project = null ) { $configPage = 'User:HotArticlesBot/Config.json'; $page = $wikipedia->getpage( $configPage ); if ( $page ) { $res = json_decode( $page, true ); $config = []; foreach ( $res as $key => $values ) { // Skip the description of the config page format if ( $key === 'description' ) { continue; } // If a specific project was requested, skip other projects if ( $project && $key !== $project ) { continue; } $config[$key] = [ 'category' => $values['Category'], 'page' => $values['Page'], 'articles' => $values['Articles'], 'days' => $values['Days'], 'orange' => $values['Orange'], 'red' => $values['Red'] ]; } return $config; } else { throw new Exception( 'Could not retrieve config page.' ); } } function isSubscriptionSane( $subscription ) { if ( strpos( $subscription['page'], 'Wikipedia:' ) === 0 && $subscription['articles'] >= 5 && $subscription['articles'] <= 10 && $subscription['days'] >= 1 && $subscription['days'] <= 7 && $subscription['orange'] > 0 && $subscription['red'] > 0 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } $wikipedia = new wikipedia(); // Log in to wikipedia $wikipedia->login( $enwiki['user'], $enwiki['pass'] ); if ( isset( $argv[1] ) ) { $subscriptions = getSubscriptions( $wikipedia, $argv[1] ); } else { $subscriptions = getSubscriptions( $wikipedia ); } $link = mysqli_connect($enwikidb['host'], $enwikidb['user'], $enwikidb['pass'], $enwikidb['dbname']); // Fetch all the subscriptions and generate a chart for each foreach ( $subscriptions as $subscriptionName => $row ) { if ( !isSubscriptionSane( $row ) ) { echo "Subscription for ".$subscriptionName." is malformed. Skipping.\n"; continue; } $time_start = microtime(true); // Allow up to 5 minutes for each chart to be generated. This resets max_execution_time. set_time_limit( 300 ); $category = str_replace( ' ', '_', $row['category'] ); $count = $wikipedia->categorypagecount( 'Category:'.$category ); if ( $count < $maxArticles ) { $editCounts = getEditCounts( $link, $category, $row['days'], $row['articles'] ); } else { echo "Category ".$row['category']." is too large. Skipping.\n"; continue; } $output = "{|\n"; $validUpdate = false; foreach ( $editCounts as $key => $value ) { if ( $value != '' && $key != '' ) { $validUpdate = true; switch ( true ) { case ( $value >= $row['red'] ): $color = '#c60d27'; break; case ( $value >= $row['orange'] ): $color = '#f75a0d'; break; case ( $value > 0 ): $color = '#ff9900'; break; } $output .= <<<WIKITEXT |- | style="text-align:center; font-size:130%; color:white; background:$color; padding:0 0.2em; vertical-align:middle;" | '''$value''' <span style="font-size:60%">edits</span> | style="padding: 0.4em;" | [[$key]] WIKITEXT; $output .= "\n"; } } $output .= <<<WIKITEXT |- | style="padding: 0.1em;" | |} WIKITEXT; $wordarray = array('zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine','ten'); $date = date('j F Y', time()); $output .= "\n<small>These are the articles that have been edited the most within the last ".$wordarray[$row['days']]." days. Last updated $date by [[User:HotArticlesBot|HotArticlesBot]].</small>\n"; if ( $validUpdate ) { $edit = $wikipedia->edit($row['page'],$output,'Updating for '.date('F j, Y')); } $time_end = microtime(true); $execution_time = round( $time_end - $time_start, 2 ); if ($verbose) { echo $subscriptionName . " (" . $execution_time . " seconds)\n"; } } $date = date('j F Y', time()); echo "$date: Bot run\n";
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