WITH sock_template AS (
SELECT tl.tl_from FROM
enwiki_p.templatelinks tl
WHERE tl.tl_target_id IN (32197, 277052, 282063, 115252, 1968835)
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/', CASE WHEN rc.rc_namespace = 2 THEN 'User:' WHEN rc.rc_namespace = 118 THEN 'Draft:' ELSE '' END, rc.rc_title) AS 'Page', TIMESTAMP(rc.rc_timestamp) AS 'Re-created at'
FROM enwiki_p.recentchanges_userindex rc
INNER JOIN enwiki_p.logging_logindex l ON l.log_type = 'delete' AND l.log_action = 'delete' AND rc.rc_title = l.log_title AND rc.rc_namespace = l.log_namespace
INNER JOIN enwiki_p.comment_logging c ON c.comment_id = l.log_comment_id
WHERE rc.rc_new = 1
AND rc.rc_namespace IN (0, 2, 118)
AND (c.comment_text LIKE '[[WP:CSD#U5%' OR c.comment_text LIKE '[[WP:CSD#G11%')
AND rc.rc_cur_id NOT IN (SELECT st.tl_from FROM sock_template st)
ORDER BY rc.rc_timestamp DESC;
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