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SELECT actor.*, count(actor_rc.ctd_name) / count(*) AS ratio_revocation, COUNT(*) as nb_editions, to_inspect_actors.last_revocation FROM (SELECT recentchanges.rc_actor as actor_id, MAX(recentchanges.rc_timestamp) AS last_revocation FROM recentchanges JOIN change_tag ON ct_rev_id = recentchanges.rc_this_oldid JOIN change_tag_def ON change_tag_def.ctd_id = change_tag.ct_tag_id JOIN actor_recentchanges AS actor ON recentchanges.rc_actor = actor.actor_id LEFT JOIN page_restrictions on recentchanges.rc_cur_id = page_restrictions.pr_page WHERE rc_namespace = 0 # Get only recent rc AND recentchanges.rc_timestamp >= curdate() - interval 4 day # Don't count autopatrolled reverted AND recentchanges.rc_patrolled != 2 # Check if they have the 'reverted' tag, which is our way of knowing if they've been revocated AND change_tag_def.ctd_name = 'mw-reverted' # Don't fetch already protected pages AND page_restrictions.pr_id IS NULL AND actor.actor_user IS NOT NULL GROUP BY recentchanges.rc_actor HAVING COUNT(*) > 2) as to_inspect_actors JOIN (SELECT rc_actor, ctd_name FROM recentchanges_userindex as recentchanges LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM change_tag JOIN change_tag_def ON change_tag_def.ctd_id = change_tag.ct_tag_id WHERE change_tag_def.ctd_name = 'mw-reverted') AS ct_rev_id ON ct_rev_id = recentchanges.rc_this_oldid LEFT JOIN page_restrictions on recentchanges.rc_cur_id = page_restrictions.pr_page WHERE rc_namespace = 0 # Get only recent rc #AND recentchanges.rc_timestamp >= curdate() - interval 4 day # Don't count autopatrolled reverted AND recentchanges.rc_patrolled != 2 # Check if they have the 'reverted' tag, which is our way of knowing if they've been revocated #AND change_tag_def.ctd_name = 'mw-reverted' ) AS actor_rc ON actor_rc.rc_actor = to_inspect_actors.actor_id JOIN actor ON actor.actor_id = to_inspect_actors.actor_id JOIN user ON actor.actor_name = user.user_name LEFT JOIN ipblocks_ipindex AS ipblocks on actor.actor_name = ipblocks.ipb_address WHERE ipblocks.ipb_id IS NULL AND user.user_registration > curdate() - interval 7 day GROUP BY to_inspect_actors.actor_id HAVING count(actor_rc.ctd_name) / count(*) > 0.8 ORDER BY to_inspect_actors.last_revocation DESC
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