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WITH RECURSIVE get_name_dabs (page_title, page_id, page_namespace) AS ( ( SELECT page_title, page_id, page_namespace FROM page WHERE page_title IN ("Surname", "Given names") AND page_namespace = 14 ) UNION ( SELECT child.page_title, child.page_id, child.page_namespace FROM page AS child JOIN categorylinks as childLinks ON child.page_id = childLinks.cl_from JOIN get_name_dabs AS parent ON childLinks.cl_to = parent.page_title LEFT JOIN page_props ON childLinks.cl_from = pp_page AND pp_propname = "hiddencat" WHERE (child.page_namespace = 0 OR child.page_namespace = 14) AND parent.page_namespace = 14 AND pp_propname IS NULL ) ), name_dabs AS ( SELECT DISTINCT(page_id), page_title FROM get_name_dabs WHERE page_namespace = 0 ), disambiguation_pages AS (SELECT cl_from FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_to = "All_article_disambiguation_pages" ), excluded_full AS ( ( SELECT cl_from as excluded FROM disambiguation_pages ) UNION ( SELECT page_id as excluded FROM name_dabs ) ), articles AS ( SELECT actor_name, count(*) as creation_count, sum(page_len) as creation_size FROM revision JOIN actor_revision ON actor_id = rev_actor JOIN page ON page_id = rev_page WHERE rev_parent_id = 0 AND page_namespace = 0 AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND rev_timestamp >= '2020' AND (rev_len > 149 #94% of redirects are smaller than this; 95% of articles are created longer. OR rev_len < 16) #very few redirects are smaller than 16 bytes, but a not-insignificant amount of articles start out smaller GROUP BY actor_name ), SELECT (CASE WHEN creation_count < 25 THEN "Under 25 articles" WHEN creation_count < 100 THEN "Under 100 articles" WHEN creation_count < 200 THEN "Under 200 articles" WHEN creation_count < 300 THEN "Under 300 articles" WHEN creation_count < 400 THEN "Under 400 articles" WHEN creation_count < 500 THEN "Under 500 articles" WHEN creation_count < 600 THEN "Under 600 articles" WHEN creation_count < 700 THEN "Under 700 articles" WHEN creation_count < 800 THEN "Under 800 articles" WHEN creation_count < 900 THEN "Under 900 articles" WHEN creation_count < 1000 THEN "Under 1000 articles" ELSE "Over 1000 articles" END) as creation_range, SUM(creation_size) / SUM(creation_count) FROM articles WHERE creation_count > 4 GROUP BY creation_range
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