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A non-exhaustive search for blocks (and unblocks) containing pipes not within either wikilinks or template invocations. This has caused a display error when shown to the blocked users since February 2022. Regexes are poorly suited for this, though there aren't really any convenient alternatives. What this query specifically looks for is: * Either the start of the comment, a closing bracket, or a closing brace * followed by any number of characters except open brackets and opening braces * followed by a pipe. In particular, it doesn't look for *pairs* of either opening or closing brackets or braces, and makes no attempt to balance sets of opening and closing braces/brackets, so it has both false positives - especially for piped links that are themselves template parameters - and false negatives. There's also an extremely common false positive used by ST47ProxyBot, and ST47 before they had a separate account for their adminbot; they appear similar to Oshwah's block at 20220411051924 except without the "{{CheckUser block}}: " at the start . The pipe appears within an html comment, so it's not visible when displayed to the blocked user. I filter them out by removing results starting with "{{blocked proxy}}", since regexes, again, are poorly-suited to matching (possibly ill-formed) html comment delimiters. For [[WP:Administrators' noticeboard/Archive345#Need help from an interface admin]].
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SELECT log_id, log_timestamp, actor_name AS 'blocker', log_action, log_title AS 'blockee', comment_text FROM logging JOIN actor_logging ON actor_id = log_actor JOIN comment_logging ON comment_id = log_comment_id WHERE log_type = 'block' AND comment_text RLIKE '(^|[]}])[^[{]*\\|' AND comment_text NOT LIKE '{{blocked proxy}}%'; -- removes many false positives within html comments, mostly by ST47 and ST47ProxyBot; it's not worth it to properly match the comments
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