Fork of
Sayfaya bağlantılar
by Anerka
This query is marked as a draft
This query has been published
by Anerka.
select DISTINCT CONCAT('# [[',log_title,']]') AS "==Maddeler==" , actor_name AS "kullanıcı"
from page, templatelinks, linktarget, logging, actor
DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), log_timestamp) < 1 and -- last month
page_namespace=0 and -- articles only
# page_is_redirect=0 and -- no redirects
# tl_from = page_id and
# lt_namespace=10 and
# tl_target_id = lt_id and
# lt_title = 'Dil' and -- links to this template
log_type = 'move' and -- moved
log_actor = actor_id-- moved by
limit 10;
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