select /* CONCAT('*[[Wikipedia:', page_title, ']]') as page_title */
/* , count(*) as page_count*/
CONCAT('*[//en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:', page_title, '&action=edit&lintedit=true User:', page_title, ']') as page_title
from linter
join page on page.page_id = linter.linter_page
join revision on rev_id = page_latest
left join page_restrictions on page_id = pr_page
where page.page_namespace=2 and linter_cat=13
/*and page.page_title like '%.%.%.%'*/
/*and page.page_title like '%rchiv%'*/
and (pr_level is null or pr_level <> 'sysop')
group by page.page_id
having count(*)>=5
order by page_title asc;
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