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SET @Initial = "20171001000000"; WITH cat_filter AS ( SELECT rev_id, rev_actor FROM categorylinks INNER JOIN revision ON cl_from = rev_page WHERE cl_to = "Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2017" AND cl_type = "file" AND rev_parent_id = 0), newuser_filter AS ( SELECT DISTINCT actor_user, actor_id FROM cat_filter INNER JOIN actor ON actor_id = rev_actor AND rev_actor != 0 INNER JOIN user ON actor_user = user_id AND user_id != 0 WHERE user_registration BETWEEN "20170901000000" and "20170930235959" AND user_name NOT LIKE '%Bot%'), edit_filter AS ( SELECT user_name, user_registration, user_id, rev_timestamp, rev_id FROM newuser_filter INNER JOIN user ON actor_user = user_id RIGHT JOIN revision ON actor_id = rev_actor AND rev_actor IS NOT NULL), editspermonth_filter AS ( SELECT user_name, user_registration, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 0 AND 30) AS after_thirty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 31 AND 60) AS after_sixty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 61 AND 90) AS after_ninty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 91 AND 120) AS after_onetwenty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 121 AND 150) AS after_onefifty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 151 AND 180) AS after_oneeighty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 181 AND 210) AS after_twoten_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 211 AND 240) AS after_twofourty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 241 AND 270) AS after_twoseventy_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 271 AND 300) AS after_threehundred_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 301 AND 330) AS after_threethirty_days, SUM(DATEDIFF(rev_timestamp, @Initial) BETWEEN 331 AND 365) AS after_threesixtyfive_days FROM edit_filter WHERE user_name IS NOT NULL GROUP BY user_name) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_name) AS count_of_users, CASE WHEN (((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_sixty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_thirty_days >= 5))) THEN '5+ in atleast 60 of first 90 days' END AS EPM FROM editspermonth_filter GROUP BY EPM UNION SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_name) AS count_of_users, CASE WHEN (((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_thirty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_sixty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5)) OR ((after_ninty_days >= 5) AND (after_onetwenty_days >= 5) AND (after_onefifty_days >= 5) AND (after_oneeighty_days >= 5))) THEN '5+ in atleast 120 of first 180 days' #WHEN after_thirty_days BETWEEN 11 AND 1 THEN '5-10 after 30 days' #WHEN after_thirty_days >= 10 THEN '10+ after 30 days' #WHEN after_thirty_days >= 30 THEN '30+ after 30 days' #WHEN after_thirty_days >= 5 AND after_sixty_days >= 5 THEN 'Five EPM for next sixty days' #WHEN after_thirty_days >= 5 AND after_sixty_days >= 5 AND after_ninty_days >=5 THEN 'Five EPM for next ninty months' END AS EPM #IF(after_thirty_days >= 5, COUNT(DISTINCT user_name), 0) AS above_five_per_month FROM editspermonth_filter GROUP BY EPM
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