select log_namespace as "Namespace",log_title as "Page",
(select actor_name from actor_logging where actor_id=log_actor) as "Deleting admin",
comment_text as "Edit summary",
DATE_FORMAT(log_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') as "Timestamp"
from logging_logindex join comment_logging on comment_id=log_comment_id
where log_timestamp >= DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 MONTH), '%Y%m%d%H%i%s')
and log_type = 'delete'
and comment_text like '%X3%'
and (select count(*) from archive_compay where ar_namespace=log_namespace and ar_title=log_title and ar_user_text="Geo Swan") > 0
order by log_timestamp desc;
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